
3 Exercises To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Fast And Easy

Here are a few exercises to get rid of belly fat fast. They're easy, kinda unusual, yet way more effective than crunches and jogging on a treadmill.

Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast and Easy:

Get Rid Of Belly Fat Fast, get rid of belly fat

1. Hindu Squats

This is the cardio exercise that slashes and slices off belly fat extremely fast when done consistently. A great benefit to this is that you can do this exercise at home.

What you do is squat up and down as fast as possible while keeping your back relatively straight. Now, each rep only counts if your fingers are able to swipe or touch the floor. So your arms will be hanging down and participating.

You can either leave them hanging down or swing in semi-circles to give your squats a momentum. Either way, aim for 100 total reps each day for 1 week. After that, increase the amount of reps by 100 each week until you can easily do 300-500 repetitions everyday for 5 days a week.

You don't have to do all the repetitions at once. A great way to get in all the reps is to do this exercise during tv commercials. Since each 1 hour tv program has about 22 minutes of commercials, that should be plenty of time to get at least 200 repetitions.

2. Vacuum Pose

This probably the best exercise for getting rid of belly fat. My clients average 1.75 inches lost in less than a month using just this exercise alone.

Here's how you do it.

Suck in your belly button as much as possible. The key to this is sucking in your belly button, not your upper belly area. Suck it into your lower back and hold that "pose" for 15-60 seconds. Keep repeating until you've done at least 5 minutes total for the day. If you can do 10-15 minutes, even better. But 5 minutes is more than enough.

3. Spinning in a circle like a 4-year old child

Spinning around clockwise 10-20 times to the point of getting slightly dizzy. I stress the "slightly" part. You don't want to get extremely dizzy. You just need to get slightly dizzy to stimulate your Endocrine System.

By doing that, you balance out your hormones and other bodily functions that are controlled by the Endocrine System. Once that happens, weight loss naturally happens.

So give those 3 exercise a try to get rid of your belly fat fast.

How to Lose Weight Naturally at Home Fast

Many people would like to know how to lose weight naturally at home fast. There's no secret to achieving weight loss at home in a short time.

The 2 main things you want to turn your attention to is your diet and exercise plan, which will give you the fastest results. With that being said, check 5 tips that will help you to lose the most weight at home in a very short space of time.

how to lose weight naturally at home fast

Firstly, whenever you are how to lose weight naturally at home fast?

Fix attainable goals
Having decided to shed those extra pounds, you need to fix some goals that are achievable. Setting a few goals helps taking remedial measures, should you go wrong any time.

Have smaller meals
Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, opt to eat regularly throughout the day. Having 5 or 6 smaller meals can actually help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism naturally.

Have fruits
Fruits have a low-calorie content and they provide energy in abundance. They contain antioxidants and vitamins, which keep your body healthy. They make a natural food for losing weight.

Drink plenty of water
It's important to keep your body hydrated when trying to reduce. The recommended amount is eight glasses of water daily. This natural drink boosts the metabolism, accelerates weight loss, while keeping you energized. The consumption of water flushes out toxins from your body and that helps losing weight.

Move around
An easy and natural way to losing weight at home is to remain more active. Other than that, regular exercise is important to lose weight. Simply going out for walks can significantly assist the process of weight loss. Exercising enables you to burn fat, and enhances your general level of fitness and the circulation of blood.

Have some simple workout tools at home
The best way to motivate you to follow a scheduled routine of daily exercising is to keep simple tools like yoga mat and dumbbells at home. Keep these tools at a place where you can see them often and thus get reminded to exercise. A very helpful trick to lose weight is to go up the stairs and avoid taking an elevator. Likewise, you may park your car a few blocks away from your home and walk that distance. Going up and down the stairs for fifteen minutes can help burning 105 calories.

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Exercising without the aid of any equipment

You need not necessarily have some tools for exercising at home. Here are a few simple exercises that do not require any special tools:
  • Jumping Jacks: It's always fun to indulge in this physical activity, as it reminds you of your childhood. They have proven to be excellent cardio exercises. You'll also find them good for getting warmed up.
  • Push-ups: Most people won't prefer them, as they find them quite hard, but you can devise easier ways of doing them. You may perform such exercises in a manner that makes you feel comfortable. For instance, you may use your knees rather than keeping straight legs. Or, you may stand against a wall. That way you strengthen the arms and work out the muscles in and around the chest.
  • Leg lifts: When you want your legs to have strong muscles, leg lifts are superb. In case you find it tough to exercise with straight legs, you may bend them slightly.
  • Crunches: This is an excellent way to build and strengthen your abdominal muscles. During the initial phase, don't bother to get your head up totally. Gradually, over a period of time, you'll be able to do it without much difficulty.
  • Jogging at home: Jogging has been discovered to be among the best exercises for the heart. You may jog in place at home while listening to music, or even while watching TV. Just take care to put on a good pair of shoes to avoid any stress on your legs.
  • Squats: Squats are great for exercising your buttocks and legs. Initially, if you find them to be very difficult, you may stand up and sit down on a normal chair. Once you make a beginning, you'll realize that you can more repetitions without any external assistance.

If you're interested in learning how to lose weight naturally at home fast then these 5 tips wish definitely help.

5 Top Foods for Flat Abs

Diet and well-planned exercise is sure to help you get flat abs. Of adequate food sources in the diet can help maintain a healthy metabolism and control the swelling belly. 

Here are 5 of the best foods to help promote belly:

Flat Abs


Apple is mainly composed of water (up 85%), which is beneficial to make you feel full. A large block size can be up to 5-grams of fiber. They also contain quercetin compound, which is known to help promote lung health, reduce cholesterol damage and fight certain cancers.


Berries are packed with fiber. A diet with a suitable number of fibers (20 to 30 grams per day) means they are less likely to absorb as many calories during the day. The berries are also rich in antioxidants. This may provide protection against some serious diseases like cancer. Antioxidants are also useful for the formation because of the ability to improve blood circulation. This means that the muscles are able to work more efficiently.

Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables are low in calories and for some help to reduce the size. A cup of broccoli has 50 calories, while a cup of spinach is 45 calories. This can help give up to 20% of the requirement of fiber per day. They are also appreciated for providing an excellent source of calcium. Green leafy vegetables can give an ideal fuel for the planned training.


The probiotic bacteria contained in yogurt is very useful for the digestive system. This is true in the sense of an apartment facing the stomach due to the smaller constipation, bloating and gas. In addition, obtaining the source of calcium necessary for yogurt helps tone in the region of the middle section.

Sea fish

Oily sea fish such as mackerel, tuna and salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. An adequate intake of these healthy fats can encourage the process of fat combustion necessary to improve the efficiency of metabolism. Seafood is also reported to help prevent cravings and slows the digestive system. It is also an excellent source of protein that is respectful of the stomach area.

In short, including a selection of food abs environment, it is certainly possible to get better results when it comes to tone the stomach and the related areas of the body. You must also plan stomach exercises to ensure you get the best results when combined with the consumption of healthy foods.