
7 Easy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss and Energy

Healthy smoothies is a great way to start loosing weight. There are loads of recipes available specifically designed to keep  you feeling full and satisfied while helping you fight the flab. Not only are these smoothie diet recipes delicious, it's also  full of goodness and a great alternative snack for those of us on that uncontrollable sweet tooth.
The only thing you need to start making great smoothies is a blender. They're cheap and easy to pick up. 

It's always best to drink your smoothies when they're fresh, however, if you prefer to whip up a big batch and store some for  later, it can be stored in the fridge for equal to 12 hours. If storing, add a squeeze of lemon juice and store your drink an airtight  glass container. The vitamin c in the lemon juice will help prevent the oxidation that breaks the nutrients up.

Alternatively, you can pour the smoothie blend into an ice tray and freeze. Store the cubes in freezer baggies and pop out some when you need to make a smoothie quickly. They can be stored in the freezer for up to a week and saves you having to  clean the blender each day! It is too a great way to mix and match your smoothie blends if you feel like a change.

1 Strawberry-Banana Diet Smoothie

This strawberry banana diet smoothie is low in calories and makes a delicious yet nutritious breakfast. It’s a perfect morning  energy boost to help set you up for your day. Bananas provide a great source of natural slow releasing energy. Although they've natural sugars present, they also contain a bundle of nutrients and that all-important fiber. Fiber helps your body with  digestion and can also help lower cholesterol. Bananas are low in fat and are the perfect addition to a low fat diet.

This strawberry banana diet Smoothie is also particularly beneficial to those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Strawberries  help control the rise in blood sugar as it slows the rate of digestion of starchy foods. They're great at speeding the  metabolism and suppressing your appetite.

Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss,



     1/2 cup frozen strawberries
     1/2 cup frozen banana slices
     6 ounces skimmed milk

2 Mixed Berry Diet Smoothie

Berries are famous for their antioxidants and their weight loss benefits. This mixed berry diet smoothie contains four berries  that can help you lose weight, keep you looking young and provide you with essential fibres that aid digestion. Strawberries are  known to reduce blood sugar and stop excess sugar turning into fat cells. Raspberries contain ketones which means they're  great for speeding the metabolism and studies have shown blueberries are great at fighting belly fat.

Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss,

1 cup of fresh or frozen berries (A combination of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries)
1/2 cup of non-fat yogurt

3 Cherry Vanilla Diet Smoothie

Not only are cherries great for skin and hair, they're also great for your weight. They are the new wonder food that's  everybody talking of them. Scientists have been working hard and have discovered some pretty amazing things about  cherries. It is abundant in antioxidants that help improve insulin sensitivity by 50%. This is great news for those of use  who need to loose weight. Having a morning smoothie with fresh cherries can arrange your metabolism for the day and can  help you with your weight loss. 

Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss, Ingredients:

      1 cup non-fat milk
      2 cups cherries
      2 cups low fat vanilla yogurt
      1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
      2 cups ice

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7 Easy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss and Energy

4 Strawberry Kale Diet Smoothie
Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss, Kale is King. It’s full of goodness and a natural weight loss food. Not only is it among the highest nutrient based greens  available, it’s a dieter’s dream food. Kale helps keep you feeling full as it’s full of fiber and is great for detoxing your body. The  high amount of vitamin C also means it’s great for boosting the metabolism. Kale is a fabulous addition to smoothies as it  contains everything your body needs in one nifty little package and can tastes great when mixing with low fat yet sweet  delicious fruit.

  • 1 tightly packed cup of kale, washed and chopped
  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup of non-fat or low-fat vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup of ice
5 Beet & Strawberry Diet Smoothie
Beetroot is an amazing vegetable. Although it's a little of a "love it or hate it" vegetable, they're extremely healthy. Athletes  drink beet juice to give them energy as they far better than any energy drink could dream to be. This beetroot and  strawberry diet smoothie is great for weight loss as the energy it gives keeps you going all day. Not only that, they're full of  fiber and play an important role in fighting cancerous cells.When using beet in your smoothies, it is always best to blend fresh  and avoid anything that comes tins or jars. 

Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss, Ingredients: 
           1/2 cup roasted beets
           3 cups strawberries
           1 cup plain Greek yogurt
           2 tablespoons raw honey


    6 Just Peachy Diet Smoothie
    Peaches are not only tasty and sweet; they're full of nutrients and fiber. With only 40 calories in a medium sized peach this  diet smoothie is perfect for those on a reduced calorie diet. Peaches are available year round and add valuable nutrients to  your diet. The fiber present in that delectable fruit encourages digestion and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. The coconut water helps speed your metabolism and makes a very tasty addition to the peach when blended into a smoothie.

    Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss,

             1 cup of skimmed milk
             1 cup of fresh peaches
             1/2 cup Ice

      7 Spinach with Green apple Diet Smoothie
      This apple spinach diet smoothie isn't only very tasty but also very healthy. Spinach is a fabulous addition to a smoothie  when blended with a sweet green apple. It’s no surprise that spinach is full of nutrients. Your mother wasn’t lying when she told  you to eat up because it’s so healthy. Putting fresh baby spinach in a blender is even better than cooked as it doesn’t  lose a lot its nutrients during the cooking process. Spinach is very low in calories and is packed with antioxidants, vitamin c,  calcium and potassium.

      Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss,
              1 1/2 cups coconut water
              2 cups stemmed and chopped spinach or kale
              1 apple unpeeled, cored, and chopped

         All these smoothie recipes are great for weight loss, energy and keeping you full. When trying to loose weight it's always best  to stick to your vegetables, and low GI fruits. They're great way to get your five-a-day and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

        How to Get Fit at Home

        If you want to start get fit at home , but do not have the opportunity to join a gym or pay for gym equipment at home dear , no need to worry. Shaping at home is easy if you have the time , motivation and the ability to follow regularly every day. 

        Often this is the hardest part for many people at home because we have a lot of distractions, including televisions , children, computers and phones. There is a way around this and you only need to be distraction free for 30 minutes to an hour.

        get fit at home

        Home Workouts

        If you have already studied the term " home training sessions ", then you 're probably aware of the many many exercises and home video available on the market . Some prefer to do their own exercises while others prefer to take a video. Shaping at home does require a lot of space either.

        Jumping jacks , pumps, leg lifts , running or jogging in place , squats , crunches and dance are just great workouts at home. If you have a hard time coming with what exercise to make a video might be a better option. You can find affordable videos that target the exact mind You goal as to lose weight , tone up, build muscle, etc...

        Free of distractions and focus

        Before starting get fit at home, you will need to remove all distractions so that you can follow through without interruption. Turn off the computer or turn off the screen , put your phone in silent mode and give your children an activity they can do on their own to keep them busy . A great way to focus When a workout is to assume that your ideal body. This can push you further than you might think or expect.

        Stay motivated

        Get fit at home is not always an easy task because you have to do every day . A great way to stay motivated and on track is to keep track of your progress. Consider joining a fitness community online. Most of these are free and allow you to track your food and physical activity. 

        In addition to numerous journal you will allow those who do not interact with the same goal, fitness at home. Create your own newspaper or a spreadsheet to track if you prefer it on a community , however, it should be noted that these online communities are also ideal for support and inspiration.

        Get fit at home should not be difficult , however many times it sure seems that way. Every day you get your daily fitness goals is one more day to reach your final goal. You are in the comfort of your own home and you do not have to spend a penny to get in shape , there are no excuses. What are you waiting for?