
1200 Calorie Diets Meal Plan Free

Can you discover the wedding bells ringing? Want to decrease your waist size and look beautiful on your day? Do not know how to reduce extra weight in a short span of time? You need not worry as you've come to the right place. Yes, where there's a will there's way. Now you can knock off those extra pounds with the help of 1200 calorie diet. All these can be done in a short time.

diets meal plan

Consuming less calories is the most essential necessary for an effective weight loss plan. The 1200 calorie diet is designed specifically for weight loss by limiting the intake to 1200 calories per day. The foremost goal is to burn more calories than what you consume. The number of calories burnt by the body depends on various factors specified height, weight and gender.

On an average a human body burns around 1500 calories in women and 2000 calories in men. In fact, 1200 calories is the minimum number of calories which is consumed in a day (required amount) and still a person remains healthy. Consuming fewer than 1200 calories can result in a number of side effects, eventually causing you to gain more weight rather than lose it.

So it's crucial to choose or plan the 1200 Calorie diet carefully according to your taste and body mass index. So here is the low calorie diet that is less in carbohydrates and high in nutrients such as fiber and protein.

What to eat when on a 1200 Calorie Diet?

The 1200 calorie diet plan requires a careful consideration of the amount and nature of food to be consumed in order to fulfill the nutritional requirements. Starchy foods such as bread and pasta, sugary products and those high in fat should particularly be avoided as they've more calories which tends to cause weight gain.

FoodCaloriesFat (g)Carbohydrates (g)Protein (g)
4 large eggs27620024
6 oz. Greek yogurt11201216
Pepperoni beef stick105906
4 oz. chicken breast1866033
1 cup apples640160
1 cup 2% milk1255128
6 oz. salmon33220038

  • Non starchy fruits and vegetables should be taken more as it is low in calories, carbohydrates and high in vitamins when compared to other foods. Vegetables like cucumber, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, beets, asparagus, peppers and leafy greens and fruits like bananas, plums, cherries, grapes, apples and peaches are some of the best healthy options.
  • Carbohydrates are required in fewer quantities for a fit and healthy body. Junk foods contain high carbs and therefore should be avoided. But being a source of energy, carbohydrates cannot be totally ignored. Consumption of simple carbohydrates should be restricted as they provide little nutritional value and digest quickly, leaving you hungry after eating. Fruit juice, milk, yoghurt, sugar and refined foods contain simple carbohydrates. But then, complex carbohydrates found in whole-grain bread and pasta, bran etc. keep you full for a longer time as they digest slowly. Hence, complex carbohydrates are to be consumed in excess quantities for a strong immune system.
  • Saturated and trans-fats should be strictly avoided as they cause weight gain due to their high calories and fat levels. Margarine, butter, eggs, milk, cheese and red meat are high in saturated fat. Red meat should have to be completely avoided due to its high amount of calorie levels. Olive and peanut oil should be used instead of margarine and butter. This lessens the saturated fat and caloric intake. Calories can be further reduced by switching over from red meat to fish and poultry. Fried foods should be avoided at all costs.
  • It's recommended that anyone on a diet should consume a good amount of protein. It's extremely vital for maintaining lean tissue while burning fat. Moreover, it improves your blood glucose level and prevents any hunger pangs you might experience.
  • Instead of three large meals, it's advisable to have five or six small meals and spread them evenly throughout the day to avoid hunger pangs/excessive hunger. The meals should be balanced in such a way that the dinner is slightly heavier in calories than the previous meals and the late night snack is low in calories. The meal plate should have four sections comprising of mostly protein and non-starchy foods and the remaining portions comprising of starchy foods and dairy products.

The 1200 Calorie Diet To Lose Weight

The logic behind the 1200 calorie diet chart is restricting calories consumption to only 1200 calories. As we have seen, there are numerous items of foods that are recommended in a typical 1200 calorie diet chart such as lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, legumes, fruits and vegetables to guide the dieters. Due to such wide variety, there can be many diet menus for a 1200 calorie diet which you can follow. An example of such diet chart is given below.

1 cup bran cereal
1 cup skim milk
1 banana
Tuna sandwich with whole grain bread and low fat mayo
2 cups raw vegetable crudités (carrot, red pepper, celery)
1 small apple
Afternoon Snack
Sparkling water with lemon
3 oz grilled chicken breast
¾ cup steamed green beans
Salad with 1 cup lettuce, ½ cup cherry tomatoes, ½ cup grated carrot
2 teaspoons olive oil and balsamic vinegar
1 fresh peach
Evening Snack
1 small pear

Role of Exercise:
No specific exercise is recommended in this diet but dieters should be aware that exercising on a daily basis is vital for maintaining weight loss and for overall good health. Nevertheless, excessive exercise should not be resorted to as the calories and nutritional intake is too low for high levels of physical activity. Thus, exercise and workout should be done in moderation. Working out in the gym or brisk walking for an hour on a daily basis is recommended for a strong mind and body.

Benefits of 1200 Calorie Diet

The 1200 calorie diet is proven to be beneficial for numerous reasons, the most important being weight loss and various other reasons too.
  • It's simple and easy to follow as there are no restrictions on the types of food you can consume.  Besides, it can be easily adapted to suit the specific dietary concerns.
  • It does yield results when it comes to losing weight as it focuses on taking in fewer calories than you expend. The reduction in calories provides the body with less fuel than what the body requires to operate, thus resulting in a net loss of weight.
  • Numerous diet plans are available to suit your needs. Any one of this can be chosen to enable you to stay on track. Even if you're following a high protein diet or trying to reduce blood sugar, you can follow the 1200 calorie diet
  • This diet provides a variety of choice due to numerous menus and eating plans that suit different eating habits, nutrition needs and cooking styles.
  • It's cost effective. No expenses other than calorie counting tool are involved. All resources can be found online gratis.
  • It generally provides adequate nutritional intake while still reducing calories to the level that most dieters require for losing weight.
  • This diet plan has provided a basis to the nutritionists and health professionals for developing other diet plans for weight loss.

The Paleo Recipe Book

Drawbacks of 1200 Calorie Diet

All forms of diets have certain drawbacks and the 1200 calorie diet is no exception. While many people might find it effective, it doesn't mean that this diet is suitable for everyone.
  • The reduction in calories may also lead to the reduction of certain vital nutrients. Therefore, careful planning of the diet is required to prevent nutritional deficiencies.
  • Consuming enough fatty products is also important to maintain good health. Fats help in protection against diseases, digestion, absorption of vitamins, keeping hair and skin healthy, regulation of body temperature and maintenance of cell function but this diet drastically reduces the consumption of fats.
  • Calorie counting and food measurement is extremely crucial in that diet. This can be done by using a menu or assistive diet plan which is an additional requirement.
  • Hunger and fatigue are the most prominent side effects of this diet.
  • This diet is not recommended for physically active individuals as they require more calories to sustain themselves.
  • It's considered an unhealthy diet referable lack of calories for generating energy.

To conclude, the 1200 calorie diet is likely to produce results in the short run but will power is required to follow such a plan in the long run. However to sustain the weight loss, it's important to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes. The chances of success of this diet is enhanced if the dieters are able to select nutritionally balanced meals, manage psychological stress and incorporate daily physical activity in their dietary routine. So have a great time with 1200 calorie diet and share your experiences with us and our readers.

10 Health Benefits of Probiotic Yogurt

So why is probiotic yogurt so good for you? In a study published in Nutrition Research, 6526 individuals were studied, and yogurt intake was directly associated with better overall diet quality, healthier metabolic profiles, healthier blood pressure and triglyceride levels. In addition, yogurt was found to be an excellent source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins B2 and B12. Yogurt is great for overall health and wellness, and probiotic-rich foods are central to the GAPS Diet Plan. 

health benefits of probiotic yogurt
Here are 10 health benefits of probiotic yogurt:

1. Supports Healthy Digestion

Healthy bacteria that are added to yogurt help to improve the microflora in the gut, which is responsible for digestion and a healthy digestive tract. These active cultures may help with certain gastrointestinal conditions, including colon cancer, IBS, constipation, diarrhea and lactose intolerance.  Many individuals that struggle with lactose intolerance find that yogurt is a soothing food, not one that causes digestive distress.

2. Lowers the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

In a recent study, higher intake of probiotic yogurt is directly associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Yogurt supports digestion and the absorption of nutrients throughout the digestive tract; this is essential for healthy blood sugar regulation.

3. Lowers the Risk of Colorectal Cancer

In a large study of over 45,000 individuals published in the International Journal of Cancer, yogurt consumption was shown to protect against colorectal cancer. Researchers indicated “the protective effect of yogurt was evident in the entire cohort”. The reason for this is a healthier digestive tract, due to the probiotics and healthy bacteria in yogurt.

4. Increases Bone Density & May Help Prevent Osteoporosis

According to Jeri Nieves, Ph.D, MS and director of the Bone Density Testing Helen Hayes Hospital in New York, “Adequate nutrition plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and the micronutrients of the greatest importance are calcium and vitamin D. The combination of calcium and vitamin D has a clear skeletal benefit, provided the dose of vitamin D is sufficiently high.” Dairy yogurts are high in calcium, and many dairy yogurts are fortified with vitamin D, however raw cow’s milk yogurt doesn’t need fortification as it contains 38IU per quart!

5. Supports Weight Loss and Increases Fat Loss

According to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, yogurt increases fat loss. The study showed that three- to six-ounce servings a day for 12 weeks nearly doubled the amount of fat lost versus others in the study. The group that consumed the probiotic yogurt and additional calcium to reach 1,100 milligrams lost 22 percent more weight and 61 percent more body fat. The study also found the belly region and the waist circumference were particularly affected.

6. Boosts the Immune System

In a recent study, researchers found that probiotics found in yogurt and other fermented milk products can improve the gut mucosal immune system by increasing cytokine producing cells in the intestine. Researchers stated that “Supplementation of probiotic organisms in infancy could help prevent immune-mediated diseases in childhood.” Another study on infants found that probiotics added to formulas had a significant decrease of number days with fever, antibiotic prescriptions, clinic visits and child care absences. For adults, yogurt’s probiotics help to keep the digestive tract free of disease-causing bacteria. A randomized and placebo controlled study in Sweden of shift workers found that the placebo group reported more than twice the number of sick days than those who were taking probiotics.

The Paleo Recipe Book

7. Reduces High Blood Pressure

Yogurt has over 600 milligrams of potassium per eight ounces! In 36 clinical trials and 17 studies, potassium intake and blood pressure reduction are evident. The potassium is believed to help decrease sodium reabsorption, while influencing nervous system cell function important in lowering blood pressure and improving heart health. A study from Harvard School of Public Health led by Alvaro Alonso, MD, Ph.D, found that people that eat two to three servings (or more) per day of low-fat dairy experience a 50 percent reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure. So, if you have high blood pressure, start eating yogurt, and if you want to keep a healthy blood pressure, eat yogurt.

8. Reduces Bad Cholesterol

The live probiotics in yogurt, including Lactobacillus Acidophilus, decrease cholesterol levels, with just one 200-milliliter (seven ounces) serving per day! In a controlled clinical study, researchers witnessed a 2.4 percent reduction in serum cholesterol. They believe that regular intake of probiotic yogurt has the potential of reducing the risk for coronary heart disease by 6 percent to 10 percen.

9. Regulates Moods

The effects of probiotics on the digestive tract and blood sugar levels have already been discussed, but as it turns out, the health of our gut is directly related to our mood. In a study from UCLA’s Gail and Gerald Oppenheimer Family Center for Neurobiology of Stress that studied brain scans during and after the study, researchers found healthy women who regularly consumed probiotics through yogurt showed more control in emotions and less anxiety when introduced to emotional events. The group that consumed yogurt ate two servings per day for four weeks.

10. May Help Treat Chronic Pain & Brain-Related Illnesses

In the same study mentioned above regarding mood regulation, researchers noted that probiotics have the potential to help with chronic pain, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and autism. Researchers also raised the question of whether repeated courses of antibiotics can affect the brain. Antibiotics are prescribed to kill the dangerous bacteria but also kill the healthy bacteria that reside in our guts. This reinforces my recommendation that yogurt and other probiotic-rich foods should always be consumed and especially taken after courses of antibiotics.

health benefits of probiotic yogurt

How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day – 5 Can-Do Tips

It is said that a journey begins with a single step. The same is true if you are on the journey to build a body that looks and feels healthier. But, what happens when you literally take one step, then just keep walking? Taking 10,000 steps daily will burn about 500 calories in weight loss terms that translates into about one pound a week! Below we’ve listed some easy tips for getting moving.

Secret Recipe Detox Drink

If you prefer to cleanse, lose body fat, boost energy and help reverse disease, then adding natural detox drinks to your diet can help you improve your quality of life … fast!

Secret Recipe Detox Drink

Benefits of the drink:

Apple Cider Vinegar is full of enzymes and good bacteria. It contains acetic acid, which has been shown to lower blood pressure up to 6 percent. It can also help eat up the starches if you do eat grains in your diet. (I use Bragg – Apple Cider Vinegar.)

Lemon juice helps balance blood sugar and has an alkaline effect on your body helping to regulate PH. It also contains vitamin C.

Cinnamon is one of the best antioxidants on the planet. It’s the number one herb/spice for balancing blood sugar.

Cayenne pepper has been shown to drop blood pressure, increase metabolism.

Stevia is an all-natural sweetener made from the stevia plant, and it’s a great replacement for any artificial sweeteners. 

Total Time: 2 minutes      Serves: 1


  • Blend all ingredients together


I recommend consuming this drink 3 times daily 20 minutes before meals for two weeks, then consuming it one time a day before breakfast or lunch.

Try this Secret Detox drink recipe for fast results:

News of Cancer: This Fruit Kills Cancer

An amazing discovery is the hot topic on the Internet as the news of afresh powerful cure for cancer gave hope to millions of people affected with this disease. What happened was that Australian scientists discovered a completely natural and extremely efficient anti-cancer agent in the fruit of an endemic tree by chance.

news of cancer

In fact, the research team observed that a large number of animals eat this strange berries, but then quickly spit the seeds. It intrigued the scientists to discover why they're doing so. The findins left it speechless. Don’t drop the video below:

Australia cancer berry
Amazing Discovery: This Fruit Kills Cancer After Just a Few Minutes!
Posted by Weight Loss and Fitness on jeudi 15 octobre 2015

How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

Sitting in that office chair non-stop could be killing you. Failing to move regularly throughout your day can be a contributor to a range of diseases affecting your heart, circulation and respiratory systems, some of which could lead to an early death. Moreover, a general lack of fitness caused by a sedentary lifestyle can hamper your daily life by causing low energy levels, reducing your strength and causing you to become overweight or obese. Clearly, it's important to include regular exercise into your life but excuses abound a lack of time, money or motivation are often used as reasons for remaining sedentary.

6 Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Double Chin

Neck and chin can be toned and that also without surgery. All that takes is applying few directed exercises to your workout that affect neck and chin. The double chin happens over time; skin tends to lose its collagen and elasticity, causing them to sag around the neck and chin area, a process that starts about age 20.

How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

It’s said that a journey begins with a single step. The same is true if you’re on the journey to build a body that looks and feels healthier. But, what happens when you literally take one step, and then just keep walking? 

 How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

Taking 10,000 steps every day will burn about 500 calories in weight loss terms that translates into about one pound a week! Below we’ve listed some easy tips for getting moving.

How to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day:

1. Invest in a Pedometer. This handy device measures how many steps you take in a day. The pedometer works by recording a step each time the hips move up and down. Some will also translate those steps into “miles walked” or “calories burned.” Find a model that suits your life-style, whether you need a simple clip-on or a pedometer smartphone app.

2. Make the Commitment. There’s no question that change can be hard. But walking 10,000 steps a day is one healthy-living habit that’s easier than you think. Start your commitment by setting a goal. Use the pedometer to figure out how many steps you take in a normal day, and then add about 1,000 to 2,000 steps every week until you reach 10,000.

3. Just Do It. Walking 10,000 steps into the day Is not as difficult as you might think. Get closer to your goal by choosing to:
  • Walk the kids to the bus stop instead of driving them. 
  • Take your pooch for a walk instead of letting him or her out into the yard. 
  • Walking a co-worker’s office instead of emailing or calling. 
  • Park at the far end of the lot instead of a space close to the entrance. 
  • Walk the steps instead of using an escalator or elevator. 
  • Stroll during your lunch break instead of pinning Ryan Gosling. (Hey, we get Ryan too, but walking is better for the body!) 
  • Invite a friend or neighbor to take a walk instead of chatting via text or Facebook. 
  • Walk the mall during hot, cold or rainy weather instead of lounging on a couch.

4. Set Reminders. Whether you use apps, wall calendars, or an alarm clock, make yourself remember that it’s time to get moving. For example, if you’re a desk jockey, set a reminder to get up once each hour and take a brief walk around the office.

5. Up the Intensity. Any steps are better than no steps, but you can maximize walking by boosting the intensity. For example, raise intensity by climbing up a steep hill or walking on a sandy beach. Another way to increase calorie burn is by walking with 2-3 pound dumbbells.

Figuring out how to reach 10,000 steps a day isn’t too tough—but you do need to make the commitment, and you do need to get started. So what are you waiting for?