
7 Processed Foods to Never Feed the Kids

It may be easy to reach for one of these foods when your child is hungry, but have you ever really thought about what’s inside those processed convenience foods targeted at kids? Flip those colorful cartooned packages over and you’ll find almost as many artificial colors lurking in the ingredients. That list of ingredients is a long and confusing jumble of chemicals and carcinogens, like what you’ll find in these 10 cancer causing foods. Let’s take a closer look at what effects these foods are having on your child’s health, along with alternative choices you can make to safeguard their future.

feed the kids

1. Pepperidge Farm’s Goldfish

These fishies are a pantry staple in many homes with kids. I admit, I grew up on them myself. They appear healthy with a label that totes whole grain, real cheddar, and no artificial preservatives. However, a look at the ingredient list shows just why these unnaturally orange snack crackers should stay off of your child’s plate.

feed the kids

Enriched wheat flour might sound good, but it means so many natural nutrients were stripped away in the processed flour that things have to be added back in. The iron added is a metallic form that our bodies just can’t absorb fully. As for the folic acid, research now shows that the fortification of foods with folic acid is linked to cancer.

Moving on to the cheddar cheese–it’s not organic. That means the cows ate a diet of genetically modified grains and then produced milk for the cheese. We’ve already discussed the dangers of GMOs and the importance of organic dairy. Conventional dairy may also contain rbST, another Monsanto product. The cows are injected with this genetically engineered hormone to stimulate milk production. 

It’s already banned in Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia. The use of rbST, in turn, causes other health problems, such as mastitis, that need further treatment with antibiotics. This increases antibiotic resistance, a dangerous problem which is then passed on to humans. These are all reasons enough to flush these fish, and this is only the third ingredient. That cheese also contains annatto as a coloring agent. Although it’s from a natural source, the seeds of the achiote bush, annatto has been linked to irritable bowel syndrome.

Finally, the vegetable oils. Unlike olive or coconut oils that are extracted from pressing, vegetable oils are made in a very unnatural way. The oils are heated to unsafe temperatures, oxidized and then treated with petroleum solvents. Then the oil is treated with chemicals to make the color and odor of the oil more pleasant. On top of that, they are also made from GMO crops like corn and soy.

Better Alternative- Annie’s Organic Cheddar Bunnies

These certified organic and Non-GMO project verified snacks are an easy swap out to the familiar fish. Annie’s Organic Cheddar Bunnies do contain organic annatto extract. Annatto is actually found in most crackers, but you won’t find any of the other ingredients of concern above.

Best Alternative- Mary’s Gone Crackers

One of my favorite crackers, these are free of all the ingredients to avoid listed above. They too are certified organic and Non-GMO project verified. Mary’s Gone Crackers are made from organic brown rice, quinoa, and seeds, so they are also gluten free.

2. Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts

“Baked with real fruit” catches your eye on the front of the package, but turn it over and you’ll see a different story. The filling is about 10% fruit. So what’s in the other 90%? More enriched flour, soybean and palm oil, GMO after GMO, artificial colors, and so much sugar!

feed the kids

These processed pastries have dextrose, sugar, and both corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. All made with GMOs, like the goldfish above. If you see “sugar” on the label, it comes from genetically modified sugar beets, not cane sugar like you may think. Refined sugars spike insulin levels and feed cancer cells.

Even that “real fruit” is still a cause for concern. The dried apples, strawberries, and pear are sprayed with pesticides. In fact, apples are the most contaminated item on the EWG’s dirty dozen list.

A common ingredient in food’s marketed towards kids and teens is artificial dyes and colors. These vibrant and fun looking colors are actually toxic chemicals that cause hyperactivity in children and allergies. This particular flavor of pop-tart contains Red 40, Yellow 6, and Blue 1. Yellow 6 might sound familiar, as it’s the dye that many petitioned to remove from Kraft Mac ‘n Cheese. The toxins in these dyes are known to cause cancer, hyperactivity in children, asthma, skin rashes, migraines and even affect your child’s learning ability. Most are already banned in other countries too. Caramel color, which has shown to cause lung cancer in mice with longterm exposure, also made it into this breakfast food.

Although this label doesn’t list monosodium glutamate, also know as MSG, it does list gelatin. This is used in the icing of the product and commonly contains MSG. This is linked to obesity, intestinal issues, migraines, skin rashes and brain damage.

Better Alternative- Nature’s Path Frosted Maple Brown Sugar Toaster Pastries

These breakfast pastries won’t contain any GMOs or persistent pesticides. Nature’s Path Frosted Maple Toaster Pastries are certified organic and Non-GMO project verified as well. They are also trans fat free. Although you will find caramel color, it’s organic class I. It’s the only caramel color that can be certified organic, and is minimally processed with limited additional ingredients.

3. Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Milk

Seemingly a healthier choice than soda and energy drinks, this is a deceptive beverage. It’s even a staple in school lunches. Aside from the aforementioned dangers of conventional dairy, this Nesquik is loaded with sugar. One bottle (listed as two servings) has a whopping 48 grams! Even if a child were to only consume half the bottle, that’s still double the recommended daily amount of 12 grams (3 teaspoons) of sugar. Research shows Excess sugar consumption leads to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, liver problems, and reduced brain power.

feed the kids

Natural and artificial flavors are towards the end of the ingredient list in this Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Milk. Don’t be fooled by the term “natural” because it has little bearing on if something is healthy. As for artificial flavors, they can contain hundreds of chemicals with side effects ranging from allergies to behavioral issues in children.

Carrageenan is a thickening agent used in many types and brands of milk. It has recently become controversial because studies on animals have shown gastrointestinal inflammation, intestinal lesions, ulcers, and malignant tumors. If you see carrageenan on the label, it’s also a possibility that it contains MSG.

Better Alternative- Organic Valley Chocolate Milk

Not only is this milk certified organic, it’s also fair trade. In the refrigerated version you’ll find no carrageenan or artificial colors and flavors. It is still a chocolate milk, so there is a high amount of sugar in this beverage. It’s easier to limit serving size with Organic Valley Chocolate Milk because it isn’t in a single serving size container. You can also cut it with plain milk.
4. Fast Food Kids Meals

The majority of kid’s meals are made up of a hamburger and fries, which we have already identified as cancer causing foods. Burger King still offers soda with their kids meal, even though other chains have eliminated it. Have you seen the ingredient list in these meals? A cheeseburger contains 70 ingredients! That Happy Meal being marketed to your child is not something you should be happy about. To go line by line with every ingredient in a Happy Meal would take a long time, but you can review all of their ingredients on their website. What I found in my research was non-organic meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. All of these items contain harmful GMOs and pesticides. In a typical Happy Meal you will find 540 calories, 18 grams of fat, 0.5 gram of trans fat, 790 mg of sodium, and 32 grams of sugar.


feed the kids

What about skipping the burger and fries and choosing chicken? Well Chick-fil-A’s chicken contains MSG in their seasoning and breading. It’s also filled with GMOs, pesticides, and enriched flour, like nearly all of the foods on our list so far. McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets also contain the same things, although they don’t just come right out and say MSG. The natural flavors and seasoning are common ingredients where hidden MSG lies.

Better Alternative- Chipotle

This fast food chain’s motto is “food with integrity” and they are working to stand by this. Although their full menu is not organic or GMO free yet, they do have a detailed ingredient list which labels what items on their menu are organic or contain GMOs.

Best Alternative- Skip the Fast Food

It may seem obvious, but because over 80% of the commercial feed for animals is GMO, it’s difficult to eat out and avoid GMOs. Fast food is usually higher in fat, calories, and sodium than food prepared in our homes. You have complete control over what foods go into your home cooking, unlike what is prepared at a fast food chain.

5. Yoplait Go-Gurt

These yogurt tubes may seem like a healthier snack option when it comes to processed foods. A look at the ingredients shows the typical culprit of conventional dairy. Animal products are the first products you should be buying organic. Along with the genetically modified dairy you’ll find modified corn starch, which is also GMO. Go-Gurt also contains 2/3 of the daily recommended amount of sugar for children in just one tube. The thickener carrageenan, shown to cause intestinal problems in animals, is also used.

feed the kids

An ingredient we haven’t yet discussed is potassium sorbate. This preservative can cause allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea, and even DNA damage. The convenience of a squeezable yogurt isn’t really worth all of those risks.

Better Alternative- Stonyfield YoKids Pouches
These yogurt squeeze pouches are an organic alternative to the above version. Since the dairy cows are fed an all organic diet, you don’t have to worry about contamination from harmful pesticides and GMOs. Another thing you won’t worry about with Stonyfield YoKids Pouches is artificial flavors or the preservative potassium sorbate. Flavored yogurts do have higher levels of sugar than their plain counterparts.

Best Alternative- Stonyfield Greek Plain Yogurt

This is yogurt at it’s purest and finest. It’s certified organic, high in protein, and low in sugar in relation to other yogurts. It might not be as exciting as squeezable flavored yogurt, but you can add excitement. Try blending it with fresh organic fruit to add sweetness and flavor. You can even freeze the blended mixture to create a healthy greek yogurt popsicle.

6. Kid Cuisine

You’ve seen these frozen tv dinners at the grocery store. They’re adored with cartoon characters and bright colors to catch your kids’ eye. After looking at the long list of ingredients on the package, I found a number of concerning components to this meal. Almost too many to name. Everything you see on the front of the package is GMO–all of it!

feed the kids

You’ll find trans fats in the mono- and diglycerides and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. The package isn’t the only place you’ll find colors either. This Kid Cuisine has Red 40, Yellow 6, Blue 1,and Blue 2 Lake, and annatto. There is also MSG hidden in the whey protein concentrate, spice blend, natural flavors, soy protein concentrate, and carrageenan.

It might save some time to make this microwave meal, but it will cause more headaches than cooking–literally. In addition to headaches, it can also cause nausea, allergies, hyperactivity, chest pains, heart palpitations, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more.

Best Alternative- Homemade

TV dinners just aren’t an easy thing to find when it comes to healthier eating. You can find organic components though. Applegate offers organic chicken strips, pair those with a side of organic veggies and a fruit for dessert, you’ve got a meal to please.

7. Hostess Twinkies

Hopefully this is not a surprise on the list. The twinkie has never really gotten a reputation as a health food. The ingredients include partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, shortening, and beef fat–all trans fats. It also has the usual offenders of enriched bleached white flour, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, MSG, and artificial colors. That means over fortified flour, dangerous GMOS, and toxic food additives and colors.

feed the kids

Better Alternative-Arrowhead Mills Organic Vanilla Cake

If you have a child with a sweet tooth and need a twinkie alternative, try this cake mix from Arrowhead Mills. I recommend swapping the eggs and oil for organic applesauce to get a moist cake with fewer calories and fat. Bake into cupcakes and top with fresh organic whipped cream  for more of a twinkie flavor.

Best Alternative- Skip the Cakes

Dessert doesn’t have to be part of every meal, but if your child wants something sweet, opt for organic fruit instead. It’s the ultimate convenience food, perfectly prepared by nature. The best part is, it only has one ingredient.

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Lemon is an amazing fruit. It is good for you on the inside and out. I had no idea that lemon could do so many great things to make my skin look and feel better. Check out these 9 ways lemon is truly a miracle fruit.

Fast and Effective Diet To Lose 10 Pounds in One Week!

If you're sick trying every single diet without having any visible results, this is the best daily meal plan if you would like to lose those pounds fast.

These diet is a great way to detox your body, lasts only one week and it's quite promising, which means you'll lose 10 pounds.

It consists of ingredients that will satisfy your hunger and shred your fat, divided into three main meals and one snack.

Here’s the recipe to a slimmer you:


You should start your day with a lemon drink, which is one glass of mild water and 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed organic lemon.

Mix it well and drink it on an empty belly daily before your breakfast. Lemon water will hydrate and alkalize your body in the morning and therefore regulate your PH, which is crucial for fighting off diseases.

This drink will cleanse your liver from all the toxins and prepare and activate your metabolism for digestion during the day.

Just half an hour after the lemon water has passed over your digestive system, you can eat either two apples or two oranges, or just one grapefruit. If the fruit isn't enough and you're still hungry, you can also add 1/2 a cup by nuts, almonds or hazelnuts.

This combination of fruit and nuts will provide you with nutrients and healthy fats for the whole day. The calories content of the nuts wish keep your belly full and satisfied.


Your lunch should consist of pure protein and here we give you the options of meat and dairy you can choose to get your protein. You can have five oz.s of organic boneless skinless chicken breast or five oz.s of organic veal.

To the portion of meat, you can also add 1 container of Greek yoghurt. The lunch will keep you full for 3-4 hrs which is the time needed to digest the meat.

The snack will help not overeat for dinner, so you should not skip it. You can have an organic banana or a small green salad. You should avoid some dressings or extra ingredients in your salad, and keep it simple. Whether you’ll choose the banana or the salad they’ll both help you keep you digestive system active until the following meal.

The banana is quite rich in protein and normalises your bowel motility, which means that it will aid your metabolism clean your body from all the toxins.


You should have in mind that dinner should be before 6pm and after that you shouldn't eat anything. After 6 pm, you should give your digestive system a rest and antioxidate it with water and tea only.

Your dinner should consist of two hard boiled eggs and an organic green salad with slices of cucumber, extra-virgin olive oil and a bit Himalayan salt.

After your dinner you should make yourself 1 liter of green tea (4 teabags into 1 liter of water), which makes 3 to 4 cups of tea. By drinking only 3 cups of green tea you'll burn 80 calories, Is not that great?

Stick to this diet and you'll see results in a week. Always remember that if you prefer to achieve something, you've to be persistent and disciplined.