
Best Top Health Benefits of Walking

Walking it’s free. It’s easy to do, and it’s easy on the joints. And there’s no question that walking is good for you.

Walking is one of the most healthy things you can do for yourself, and here are 20 health benefits of walking:

 1. Helps with weight management
 2. It's accessible to everyone
 3. Doesn't require special equipment
 4. One of the easiest ways to get more active
 5. Reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety
 6. It's a low impact exercise
 7. Lowers low-density lipoprotein(LDL)
     cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
 8. Raises high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
     cholesterol (good cholesterol)
 9. Lowers blood pressure
10. Reduces the risk of some cancers
11. Helps reduce risk and and aids with the
      management of type 2 diabetes
12. Improves mood
13. Helps maintain strong bones
14. Reduces the risk of heart attack
15. Less likely to lead to injuries
16. Reduces stress
17. Reduces risk heart disease
18. Builds aerobic fitness
19. Helps to lose weight & lean muscle tissue
20. You don't have to pay for it 

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How to Lose Weight Extremely Fast

Why juice is great for people who cannot follow complicated diets?

The National Cancer Institute recently began a campaign with one simple goal – to make people EAT MORE VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Specifically, the recommendation was to eat three servings of vegetables and five servings of fruit a day, and their reasoning was simple:

A diet high in vegetables and fruits is able to prevent or cure a wide range of ailments!

Here we have several tips that will quickly persuade you to go “juice-addicted”:

1. It’s an easy way to get more fruits and veggies into your diet, especially if you are not big into vegetables and fruits. A diet rich in raw and organic foods will bring the best health benefits for you!

2. Fresh juices are a great source of enzymes. In fact, one of the key features of the juice is the “freshness”. If the food is cooked at temperatures above 114 degrees, the enzymes have been destroyed by the heat. The enzymes are still viable when you drink the juice,since the produce is juiced raw.

3. The metabolism slows down,when you go to bed and fall asleep. That is the reason why we suggest drinking juice in the evening: it will help you burn calories and boost your metabolism while you are sleeping.

Juiced vegies and fruits increase your metabolism real fast, so you won’t even notice the unnecessary fat loss.

  • 2 tbsp. parsley (chopped)
  • 2 glasses of water
  • a handful of spinach
  • 1 lemon (squeezed)
  • 1 tsp. ginger (grated)
  •  (I prefer to use this mason jar for smoothie, and they have multiple sizes.)


Place all of the ingredients in a juicer and juice it. Once you prepare the juice, it’s best to drink it the same day you make it, for food safety. Yet, consume it in a period of 2 hours,don’t drink immediately the whole amount.

Drinking this juice every evening will prevent water retention,will help you get rid of the unwanted toxins in your body, will suppress appetite,will control food cravings of all kinds and will keep you safe from constipation, which is one of the main reasons for gaining extra weight.

You can simply juice your dinner or supper,instead of falling into the trap of disappointment, i.e. thinking that you can never be attractive again!

Walking Weight Loss Plan

Everyone knows that walking is a great way to lose weight but sometimes it is hard to know where to start. If you have never been one to walk on a regular basis the idea of getting out and walking can be very daunting. It doesn’t have to be. 

 Just by getting up and increasing your steps everyday you can start yourself on a journey to a better you! We have created a handy Walking Weight Loss Printable that you can keep with you so you will always know what the game plan will be. This will help you on your road to success and soon you will look back and realize all you have accomplished 

This Walking Weight Loss Printable will take you on a journey over 6 weeks and start with 3 short walks and gradually increase your time, speed and amount of walks. Do not be discouraged if you are a new walker and cannot do the first 20 minute walk. 

Start at your own pace and add a few minutes each day until you reach the 20 minutes and then begin this 6 week plan. Remember any extra steps you take put you one step closer to your goal. Don’t give up before you start!


If you do not have time to do your whole walk at one time feel free to split it up into 2 shorter walks. Just make sure to get your total time in by the end of the day.

Before you start walking make sure to check out our Walking Weight Loss Tips.
Keep up with your weight loss with this fun Jean Scale Printable!

How to Lose Weight Extremely Fast

Why juice is great for people who cannot follow complicated diets?

7 Signs Which Prove You Have an Unhealthy Vagina

Every woman needs to know that their vagina is the most important and sensitive part of their body. So they should take proper care of that. Keeping it clean all the times is a basic step to follow.

7 Signs Which Prove You Have an Unhealthy Vagina

Here are the signs that prove your vagina is unhealthy and without any delay, you should consult a gynecologist.

1. If vagina is dry.


Vagina can't be dry or wet all the time. But, if there is dryness for a long time, you seriously need to go for a check up then. But, the dryness of your vagina is understandable if you are above 50, then it's because of menopause actually.

2. Excessive discharge.

If the discharge is excessive, then you surely rush to a doctor.

3. Too much foul smell.


Whenever you go for pee and feel a foul smell, then know it's coming from vagina. It is one of the signs of an unhealthy vagina.

4. Burning.

If you are feeling some itchiness or burning in your vagina, then you should not take it for granted and surely consult a doctor soon.

5. Dis-coloured discharge from you vagina.


Do not ignore this symptom.

6. Abnormal bleeding.


Abnormal bleeding is caused due to the hormonal imbalance. Better to have a check up.

7. Bleeding after sex.

This is the biggest symptom of cervical cancer, so should be careful about this.

7 Easy Ways To Lose Weight Quickly For Teens

Obesity is one of the most commonly-faced problems today. It not only interferes with one’s self-confidence, but also affects and harms the day-to-day activities. The way you look and feel plays an important role in one’s life. And your body weight also plays an equally important role.

7 Easy Ways To Lose Weight Quickly For Teens

Most teenagers today crave for size-zero figures. I often find teenage girls following fad diets or crash diets to just slip into those body-hugging dresses that their favourite actresses sport on TV. Looking good always matters. However, possessing a size-zero figure or a slim body as the benchmark for looking good is an absolute wrong concept. What should matter is having a healthy and fit body.

Teenagers across the globe today are fighting against various diseases for blindly following crash diets and unhealthy food habits. Losing weight for teenage girls is very crucial who suffer from obesity. But this must be done in the right manner. If you too happen to be a teenager and want to shed a few kilos, here is an article to help you achieve your target with a little more caution.

Little changes in your lifestyle can make you healthier. Let’s have a look at the tips on losing weight fast for teenage girls as described below:

1. Play, Play And Play:

Yes, you read that right. Playing can actually help you lose weight the right way. But, playing here doesn’t really mean playing indoor games. So put aside your play station and X-Box and hide away your smartphone too.
  • Get out in the open and indulge in various sports.
  • Playing sports make an amazing fitness activity.
  • It helps you stay fit (read lose weight) and at the same time it makes you learn team building skills. It also improves focus and concentration.
  • If you don’t enjoy sports like tennis or badminton, try your hand at cycling or even running.
2. Bunk Junk:

I know this would be too harsh on you. But, unless you bunk junk food you cannot dream of losing weight. One of the must to do tips on how to lose weight fast for teenage girls. Here is what you should do:
  • If giving up everything seems impossible, choose one and trade others.
  • There is no problem, if you cannot give up your popcorn in the theatre. But, trade your cold drink with a bottle of flavoured mineral water or plain water.
  • Replace chips with your favourite sandwich with roasted nuts.
  • If you crave for sweets, how about having more of fruits than ice cream. Low-fat frozen yogurt topped with fresh fruits can also be equally tempting and satisfying.
  • Junk food always makes you gain bad and stubborn weight, which gets really difficult to lose later.

3. Ditch That Soda Forever:

I know I have already broken your heart with those words, but you must always take the truth with a pinch of salt.
  • Sodas come loaded with empty calories.
  • They only add on more and more weight over a period of time.
  • Sodas affect the look of your skin.
  • If skipping it altogether is too much for you to do right now, at least opt for low-calorie or diet version.
  • You must also skip other beverages in the form of caffeine and other packaged foods as well.

4. Try Your Hand At Yoga:

Being a teenager, you are already hassled about ten other problems that have cropped up from nowhere. Add weight gain to it and you are in complete chaos. You have to give time to sort each one out separately, right? How about finding one solution for most of your problems?
  • Yoga is one of the best remedies for losing weight as a teenager and this holds true across generations.
  • It also gives you the power to combat other changes in your body and life.
  • It is considered as the best remedy for a calm mind, body and soul.
  • It channelizes more energy into your body and helps control your metabolism.
  • If you aren’t motivated enough for yoga, find a buddy who would accompany you and yoga will become all fun for you.

5. Never Skip Breakfast:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you are used to skipping it every day, think again. This could well be the reason behind your weight gain.
  • Experts say you must have your breakfast within 60 minutes of waking up in the morning.
  • A good breakfast should have a balance of protein, fibre and healthy carbs. Give beverages a thumbs down. Instead, opt for fresh fruit juices and fruits.
  • A good breakfast kick starts your metabolism, helping you lose weight faster.
  • When you have a proper breakfast every morning, you tend to eat lesser throughout the day.
  • Breakfast also helps you curb your hunger pangs and cravings throughout the day.

6. Sleep Well:

Studies suggest that when you sleep well, you tend to overeat or eat lesser the next day.
  • Always stick to a sleep schedule.
  • Sleeping late disrupts your next day’s routine.
  • When you are sleep-deprived, you tend to reach out for the unhealthier options of food.
  • You binge even when you aren’t really hungry.
  • Sleep-deprivation can make you feel lethargic all day and may even compel you to skip your daily exercises and other activities.
  • Never fall off to sleep with the TV on, the light disrupts your sleep and prevents deep and a good night’s sleep.

7. Keep At It:

The last but surely not the least one is keeping a check on your weight loss plan. A final great way to lose weight for teenage girl.
  • If you idolise hot bods and desire to have one like them, realise that they follow a strict regimen and follow their diets under supervision.
  • It is not possible to lose weight overnight.
  • Don’t give up, if you don’t see results immediately. It always takes time for such things to happen.
  • Be consistent in your approach and follow a mix of both diet and exercise.

These are the ways that will help you how to lose weight for teenage girls. Hope this article will motivate you to follow a healthy approach. Always remember, the way you look surely matters, but what matters even more is how you nurture yourself from within. Never judge yourself on the basis of your looks. Looks never are the right parameters to judge a person. Know the difference between being obese and being fit. Never mistake fitness for being size zero or any other fad trend.

If you are going to adopt this weight-loss strategy, write to us, how well you succeeded there. Until then, enjoy happy weight-loss journey.

Juice Recipes for Reduce Inflammation

The main ingredients in this recipe are the powerhouses lemon juice and raw honey, so it is a must-make for the cold winter months and the accompanying colds and flu.

Before we get on with the recipe, let’s take a quick snapshot at their incredible health benefits:

Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are not only a delicious treat, but they are also a healthy addition to any diet. Although dates contain a large amount of sugar, a study published in the Nutrition Journal showed that dates have a low-glycemic index and they did not significantly raise blood sugar levels after they were consumed.

Health Benefits of Dates

Whether you are consuming dates to protect the liver and heart from damage, or merely enjoying them as part of a healthy diet, dates will certainly add a sweet indulgence to your daily diet, but make sure not to exaggerate and limit their consumption.

Dates are highly valued for their nutritional value. They contain proteins and carbohydrates, which makes them complete in a nutritional sense. Dates are also packed with essential vitamins, including vitamins B, A, K, and C. Moreover, they are a good source of potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and other vital essential minerals.

Although dates were originally eaten as a primary food source in many regions of the world, they were also prized for their medicinal uses.  Dates actually can offer a variety of health benefits for all ages. Read below about them:
1. Dates promote digestive health

Dates are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber is vital for supporting the digestive system. The digestive system needs an adequate supply of both types of fiber to ensure that food moves through the GI tract (gastrointestinal tract) at a healthy rate. So, the increase of your fiber can be made very easy with date’s intake.

Your food needs to move at a specific rate to ensure that your GI tract has time to absorb the nutrients, but also to ensure that food does not have time to ferment or cause GI disturbances. You can use dates to help relieve occasional constipation as well. The fiber in dates supports bowel health and function.
2. Dates regulate LDL cholesterol

The dietary fiber found in dates promotes digestion, and at the same time, helps to reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol that can be absorbed through the digestive tract. The consumption of fiber is also one of the top 10 ways to naturally lower cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is often called the “bad” cholesterol. LDL cholesterol attaches to the blood vessels, potentially causing the blockages that are responsible for conditions like heart disease. LDL cholesterol may also be responsible for low grade inflammation in the blood vessel system.
3. Dates alleviate the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include: pain and numbness or weakness in the hands, feet, and the limbs. Peripheral neuropathy is a common complication frequently experienced by diabetic patients, and it occurs as a result of nerve damage. The condition is extremely hard to treat and most treatments are symptomatic and therefore aimed only at relieving the symptoms rather than treating the condition.

Date fruit extract shows promising for better protection of the body from peripheral neuropathy and for better treatment of some of its symptoms.
4. Dates prevent clogging of arteries

Often dubbed the silent killer, atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) is the biggest underlying cause of heart attacks and strokes. This deadly condition occurs as a result of the narrowing and hardening of the arteries.

In atherosclerosis, plaque builds up on the artery walls causing blockages. If the plaque breaks loose from the arteries, deadly blockages can occur that can cut off blood flow to various vital organs.

Dates are high in antioxidants and phenolic acids and these ingredients offer anti-atherogenic effects and prevent clogged arteries. The health benefits of dates are increased when they are taken in combination with pomegranate extract.

5. Dates are excellent liver prtection

Air pollutant, toxins, and the chemicals in your food can severely affect and even impair the health and function of your liver. Your liver is responsible for producing most of the compounds your body needs for good health. Your liver also filters your blood to remove waste products and toxins. These toxins and waste products can damage liver tissue.

Liver fibrosis is a consequence of wound healing that occurs in the liver as a result of liver damage. When the liver is damaged, connective tissue is formed as part of the healing process and excess collagen and other compounds build up in the liver affecting liver function.

Dates as well as date seed extract help to regulate and reduce the amounts of liver fibrosis that may occur, and it may therefore be helpful in disease like cirrhosis of the liver. You can even increase the positive effect of dates by consuming coffee from time to time. One study showed that liver fibrosis in patients significantly reduced after regular consumption of the date seed extract.
6. Dates beat inflammation

Inflammatory processes rely on chemicals that can damage cells, tissues, and organs in your body.Chronic or low grade inflammation is the root cause of many of the diseases we face such as: allergies, asthma and arthritis, and it may even play a role in the development and progression of certain types of cancer.

It is essential to include nutrients in your diet to help regulate and control the inflammatory processes of the body. Dates and date seed extract contain compounds that reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines that are responsible for inflammation.

If you deal with inflammation and chronic diseases, you may want to learn about the importance of detoxifying your body. Some people believe detox is the key to fight diseases by removing unwanted toxicity from the body so that you can digest better and therefore decrease inflammation.
The Paleo Recipe Book

7. Dates are antioxidant protection
Antioxidant protection has become a vital part of any health routine. Every time you exercise or go to the gym, your body produces free radicals that can damage tissue. Pollutants are also a source of the free radicals that can damage the body.

Antioxidants have been shown to play a very important role in supporting health. Dates contain a number of different compounds that provide added antioxidant protection for the body. Several studies have reported the antioxidant content of dates and demonstrated the presence of compounds with free radical scavenging activity.
8. Dates support healthy pregnancy and delivery

In a study on pregnant women, date consumption increased cervical dilatation and it promoted spontaneous labor, which meant that fewer women needed to be induced.
9. Dates boost cardiovascular health

Fiber doesn’t only support a healthy digestive system, but also plays a role in supporting cardiovascular health. Healthy amounts of fiber are vital for lowering cholesterol levels, for helping to control blood pressure levels, and for regulating blood glucose levels.
10. Recommended Daily Value (RDV) of dates

Dates are very high in sugar content – it comes in at a whopping 66.5 grams of sugar per 100 gram serving of the fruit! Since it is recommended to lessen sugar consumption as much as possible, even when the sugar is being consumed from fruit, the general recommendation is to consume only 3-4 dates daily.

Clear Your Body of All kinds of Toxins With One Glass of this Drink

You know that your body is full of toxins if you can see a recurrence of illnesses such as fatigue, colds, or even infections. Microorganisms and bacteria can also attack. However, with one drink of a special beverage, you can eliminate toxins from the body.

There is no time like the now to start eliminating toxins from the body. While it may sound too good to be true, all you have to do is give it one shot and see the positive effects all for yourself. This particular juice not only combats the toxins in your body but can also promote healthier digestion and increase energy.

So What Do You Need for This Juice?

The ingredients are simple

  • 1 glass of water
  • 4 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 fresh root ginger (grated to the equivalent of 3 teaspoons)


Make sure that the food you use is organic. Peel the lemon and put it, the ginger root, apples, and water all into a juicer. It is best to drink this juice in the morning prior to breakfast on an empty stomach. The goal is to be able to feel the signs of the toxins leaving the body and feeling the health improvements before you actually consume food.
Drink up and feel better!