
Use This Little Known Tool to Lose Weight Starting Now

Being unhappy with our weight is not uncommon. Perhaps you have gained some weight and want to lose it so that you can fit back into your favorite jeans? Maybe you want to lose some weight so that you can look good on an important future event (your sister’s wedding, graduation ceremony, or just simply to look good on a date).

Or perhaps you want to lose weight to improve your overall health?

Well, it’s easy to say that you want to lose some weight, but the reality is, if weight loss was that simple, then most people would not be overweight.

So why do so many people fail to lose weight then? There are four main reasons:
They lack a clear goal
Most people said: “Wow, just realized that it’s pretty hard to fit into this jeans anymore. Well, guess I need to lose some weight, I will start to exercise and eat better, starting next Monday,” which is not specific enough. Rather than saying that, you should set a clear goal with a time frame, such as: “I plan to lose 10 pounds in a month.” As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, then you are really planning to fail.

They didn’t measure and monitor progress.

How many times have you set weight loss as a New Year Resolution? Maybe you have set a good goal that is measurable and within a certain time frame (10 pounds in a month), however most people fail to monitor and measure their progress. They don’t weigh themselves regularly, and hence they don’t even know whether they hit their goal or not. In the end, they just give up.
They are relying on willpower and memory.

Perhaps you plan to weigh in every week, but we humans often have limited willpower. We also have many other things that we need to remember, so it’s very normal for us to forget stuff. In the end, you might forget to weigh yourself and it results in not updating their progress.

They don’t reward themselves enough.

Weight loss can be a pretty long journey, and it is a better idea to reward yourself on every milestone that you have achieved. The reward will motivate you.

So how do you avoid those problems? It’s very simple, you can use this little known tool to:
  • Set a clear goal (how many pounds to lose and by when). A clear goal is specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Measure progress by crossing off the numbers and checking the date.
  • Paste this tool in the place that you frequent, so you don’t have to rely on memory
  • Set a small reward for every milestone that you have achieved.
  • Additional benefit from using this tool is social support. Since you will be posting this tool in your home (or whatever place that you frequent), other people (be it your family, or your roommate) will know about your weight loss plan. They will help you keep yourself accountable in maintaining a healthy lifestyle so that you are successful in losing the weight.

So what is this tool you’ve been talking about? Show it to me!

this simple poster can actually help you lose weight. It’s very much like a vision board and its boldness and brightness doesn’t allow you to forget or pass over your goals.

lose weight

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4 Ways to Combine Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss

Have you tried honey and cinnamon for weight loss yet? While it is no magic bullet for weight loss, it can be used in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise to accelerate the rate of weight lost, and help you get past food cravings more quickly.

 honey cinnamon weight loss

Honey alone has been shown to contain antioxidants and enzymes that have various healthy effects on the body. Findings on cinnamon are equally as promising, with research suggesting that it can do everything from boosting your metabolism to lowering your cholesterol. On her own these two items should play a part in your regular diet. Combining the two creates a sort of Dynamic Duo and when taken at the start and end of your day has been peer proven to assist you in your weight loss goals.

1. In the Morning

Getting a good start to your day is key when you’re trying to lose weight because it sets the tone for how the rest of the day goes. Start it off wrong and you’re more likely to eat a fattening meal at lunch and follow up with whatever you want at dinner.

Getting into the habit of using an all-natural weight loss tool like cinnamon and honey can help ensure you start things off on the right foot.Take the mixture right when you wake up and wait 30 minutes before having your breakfast meal

Why it’s effective: Honey and cinnamon when taken in the morning can help rev up your digestive system, helping your metabolism and energy level through lunch.

2. Between Meals

When losing weight is your goal you may have found that between meals is when you are most vulnerable to cravings and food temptations. This is often the times we find ourselves at work and surrounded by vending machines and other goodies coworkers have brought in.Cinnamon can help lessen your appetite, making it easier for you to make it from one meal to the next without the need to eat an unhealthy snack. 
Making better food choices is paramount when attempting weight loss, and a mixture of cinnamon and honey can help in that department.Cinnamon has been shown to help lower your blood sugar levels, which will help you stay alert and focused throughout the day and avoid that after lunch crash that is so common.

Why it’s effective: The combination of honey and lemon is an effective way to prevent snacking on junk between meals and is a better option than letting yourself go hungry.

3. Before Aerobic Workouts

When you’re gearing up for an aerobic workout there are a few things you can do to make it more effective. Stretching is one, but did you know that it matter what you are putting into your body prior to your workout? If you always feel drained after a workout, or you feel that you don’t have enough energy to have an effective workout, you may notice that the honey and cinnamon blend help give you more energy to help you push through it.

There are other ways to make your cardio workouts more effective. Work out on an empty stomach and make sure you don’t eat for at least 30 minutes after you’ve done an aerobic workout, and hour if you can make it that long. This helps your body burn more calories since it isn’t focused on digesting your next meal.

Why it’s effective: The sugar in honey will give you energy to boost you through your workout, and the metabolism-boosting nature of cinnamon will amplify the effects of your cardio.

4. Before Bedtime

The stretch of time between dinner and sleep can be the hardest to get through when you’re trying to lose weight. Late night snacking and midnight trips to the refrigerator will only set you back on your goals and are typically not authorized on most diet programs. You can use cinnamon and honey as your ally during this time.

Since it’s not a solid food it won’t be weighing on your stomach or through your digestive system a wrench right before you retire for the evening.The honey will help any late night cravings for sweets like that nightly bowl of ice cream. The cinnamon will act on your digestive system, helping it as it resets itself during the night.

Why it’s effective: Curbs nighttime cravings and make sure you can fall asleep without hunger pangs keeping you up at night.

Flat Tummy Water Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat

This fastest way to lose belly fat.Losing weight can be challenging. Diet, exercise and self-control are the key factors.Eating fresh foods, and drinking healthy drinks that do not contain artificial sweeteners can help you achieve weight loss success.

Fastest Way Lose Belly Fat

Naturally flavored and infused waters are a favorite when it comes to weight management.They taste deliciously good and you control the ingredients.In order to lose weight it is recommended to eat and drink more of the following:


Lemon – Is a superfood that aids in digestion, plus, Dr. Oz says could “be a wrinkle fighter”.  Lemons  are also a good alkaline source with helps balance your ph levels, supports weight loss and lemon juice is known for preventing kidney stones.

Cucumbers – Reduce the build up of water in the circulatory system, letting you flush out the excess water instead of leaving inside to build up.  Cucumbers contain silica which help your build healthy muscle tissue as well as known for helping clear skin that is prone to acne.

Mint –  Can help stop stomach aches, reduce headaches and decrease congestion.   It also kills any harmful bacteria, keeping your mouth naturally clean.

Ginger – Aids in circulation, helps clear up sinuses and reduce gas symptoms.  Ginger is also an anti-inflammatory, which can help in reducing joint pain and aches.

All these ingredients have many health benefits (only a few listed above), but essentially all help aid in digestion.  This is why I refer to it as the flat belly water. Drinking this water will not cause you to retain water. It will cleanse your body and leave you feeling refreshed.

Fastest Way Lose Belly Fat,
  • 2-3 large lemons, thinly sliced
  • 1 Cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 18-20 mint leaves
  • 1/2 – 1 tbsp ginger ground
  • 1 gallon of water


  1. Thoroughly wash all fruits and veggies and thinly slice the lemon and cucumber.

    (If you don’t have a slicer, I suggest purchasing one if you plan on doing this a few times a week.  I use this slicer from target which works very well and doesn’t take up much room in storage.)
  2. Fill container with ingredients and fill to the top with water.

    (I prefer to use this 1.25 gallon slim water jug in my fridge.  I found it at The Container Store  and they have multiple sizes.)
  3. Soak in fridge overnight and enjoy within 2 days. 
If you drink a gallon of water on day 1, you can refill it up and let it soak a second night with the same ingredients (just add more ginger).  Mint leaves will start to go bad after about 2 days of soaking.

Fastest Way Lose Belly Fat,

  • Be careful not to over-hydrate yourself! An adult whose heart, kidneys, and pituitary gland are functioning properly would have to drink more than two gallons of water a day to develop water intoxication. This condition is most common in persons whose kidney function is impaired and may occur when doctors, nurses, or other healthcare professionals administer greater amounts of water-producing fluids and medications

Lazy Way to Lose Weight: Cinnamon, Honey, and Water

This is an extremely lazy way to lose weight. It burns hundreds of calories even if you are just sitting down on your computer and doing nothing. It also increases your metabolism which aids in weight loss.


  1. Use 1 part of cinnamon to 2 parts of raw honey. 1 teaspoon cinnamon to 2 teaspoons honey is recommended. 
  2. Boil 1 cup of water.
  3. Mix the cinnamon and honey in cup and make a paste. Let set for 30 minutes. Add the boiling water and stir the mixture with water. Cover the cup for half an hour. 
  4. After 30 minutes filter the mixture by placing a paper coffee filter onto the top of a cup and pour the mixture into the coffee filter.  You will need to hold the filter in place to prevent it from going into the cup. Wait until it cools enough for drinking and it's ready.Take one half of the drink (4 oz) before breakfast.   
  5. Take one half of the drink (4 oz) before dinner or before you go to bed

  • For faster results, you can increase the amount of the mixture by doubling the ingredients and drink 8 ounces instead of 4 ounces.  Use 4 teaspoons of Raw Honey, 2 teaspoons of Cinnamon, and 16 ounces of Water.
  •  Don't add any flavors in that mixture.

 Use your mouse to and hover over this image to pin to Pinterest for future reference!

This is an extremely lazy way to lose weight

    14 Most Effective Fat Burning Foods for Women

    They contain certain nutrients and compounds that improve your metabolism and help in eliminating the toxins which make weight loss and shedding belly even more easier. So all you need to do is give up the unhealthy junk and processed foods and switch to the following food items that can greatly help your weight loss efforts.

    Fat Burning Foods Women

      Best Fat Burning Foods for Women

    1. Whole Grains:

    Whole grains are a better and healthier option than processed foods. This is because your body burns twice as many calories in breaking down whole foods, particularly those rich in fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice. You can substitute your white bread with whole wheat bread and pasta.

    2. Eggs:

    Eggs are one of the richest sources of protein. Several dietary programs insist on increasing the intake of proteins for successful weight loss. Eggs contain all the nine essential amino acids required by the body to build lean muscle tissue. Thus, they have a greater fat burning potential. Maintenance of muscles requires more calories than fat. For breakfast, you can replace your waffles and cereal with scrambled eggs. You can cook the egg with avocado and enjoy an additional dose of healthy fats.

    3. Avocado:

    Avocado is often considered in the list of fat burning foods. However, actually the fat in this fruit is a triple fat burner. It is mostly in the nature of monounsaturated fat which plumps up the cell membranes, thus stimulating the fat burning hormones. Besides, it switches off the body’s fat storage hormones and boosts the metabolism by protecting the energy producing part of the cells from damage by free radicals. So swap your snacks with a halved avocado sprinkled with sea salt and tomatoes. You can also add this fruit to spinach and green bean salad or make an avocado smoothie with coconut milk and cinnamon.

    4. Cinnamon:

    This aromatic spice helps burn fat by moving glucose into the cells faster, thus lowering the accumulation of fats storage hormone, insulin. However, to obtain maximum fat burning results, you need to consume at least a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon. You can add cinnamon to a vanilla smoothie or warmed quinoa with raspberries and pistachios.

    5. Peanuts and Brazil Nuts:

    If you thought that all nuts are fattening, then you might have to think again because peanuts and Brazil nuts are wonderful exceptions which can actually act as fat burners. Peanuts are packed with fiber which curbs your intake of calories as well as boosts metabolism, even without added exercise. However, they should be eaten in moderation as they are calorie dense. Brazil nuts also aid in fat burning mechanism as they boost metabolism by converting the thyroid hormone to its active form. They also bind toxins thus preventing their storage in fat cells which contributes to cellulite. You can directly snack on Brazil nuts or sprinkle them on mango, papaya and citrus fruits salads. They can also be sprinkled on desserts and smoothies.

    6. Lean Meats:

    Protein can help you burn about 30% of the calories that the food contains during digestion due to their high thermogenic effect. Lean meats are a good option to burn fat as they contain less fat. Lean meats include skinless chicken breast, beef, turkey and lean pork. Consumption of a 300 calorie chicken breast requires around 90 calories to break it down.

    7. Honey:

    Honey is considered a great home remedy for obesity. It provides a host of health benefits including its effectiveness in reducing calories. This is because it utilizes the extra fat deposits in your body to get energy for normal functions. To lose weight effectively, you can take about 10 grams or a tablespoon of honey with hot water early in the morning. Doing this regularly helps in cutting down fat within the body.

    8. Turmeric:

    Those who say that Indian ingredients are fattening can have a look at the fat burning properties of turmeric, an Indian spice. It contains a compound called ‘curcumin’ which helps in reducing insulin and leptin resistance that are primarily responsible for accumulation of fat deposits. It has a host of other health benefits like maintenance of normal blood pressure, curbing cancer, elimination of bad cholesterol and antiseptic properties.

    9. Bean Sprouts:

    Commonly known as ‘moong dal’ in India, bean sprouts are rich in vitamins A, B, C and E as well as minerals like calcium, potassium and iron. They have a very low content of fat which makes them a recommended food in many slimming programs. Besides these, the abundant amounts of protein and fiber help lower blood cholesterol level. Fiber yields complex carbs which help in digestion as well as stabilize blood sugar level, thereby preventing its rapid rise after meal consumption.

    10. Green Tea:

    A great way to fire up the fat burning mechanism is to have four cups of green tea in a day. Its fat burning qualities can be attributed to the presence of a compound in the brew called EGCG which temporarily speeds up metabolism after sipping it. To boost your intake, keep a jug of iced tea in the refrigerator.

    11. Chilli Peppers:

    Chilli peppers are effective in burning excess fat primarily because of the presence of a compound capsaicin which spurs the metabolic activity and its heat generating capacity melts the additional calories. You can use them in raw, dried or powdered form in soups, eggs and meats. Try to include these natural fat burning foods as much as possible.

    12. Curry Leaves:

    Besides providing flavor to your food, curry leaves can help you lose weight. These leaves can flush out harmful toxins and unwanted fat deposits from the body as well as reduce bad cholesterol levels. If you are battling obesity, all you need to do is incorporate 8 to 10 curry leaves in your daily diet. You can directly add them to soups and stews or chop them finely and mix them in a drink.

    13. Dark Chocolate:

    If you think that all sweets are guilty of loading your body with calories, then dark chocolate can prove you wrong. Stress is one of the causes of sluggish metabolism that results in the accumulation of fat deposits. Certain studies have proved that consumption of about one and a half ounces of dark chocolate reduces the stress hormone cortisol which may be attributed to the presence of compounds like caffeine and theobromine. Always look for the darkest chocolate which contains at least 70% cocoa. This is considered as one of the fast fat burning foods. You can consume it alone or have it with your morning cappuccino.

    14. Water:

    Water is often underestimated as a fat burning ingredient. Not only is it a calorie free appetizer but also boosts metabolism since your body has to work to match the temperature of the ingested water with that of your core. According to a study, people drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water in a day have a higher metabolic rate than those who just drink 4 glasses or less. It also aids in weight loss indirectly. This is because drinking a glass of water before meals can fill you up thus preventing you from overeating and consuming extra calories.

    • Eat food from home. When you eat at a restaurant, you have limited control over your portions. As a result, you often eat more than you intended to eat. Try packing up half of it in advance and taking it home for tomorrow. Do this before you start eating so you're not tempted to finish your big portion.