
7 Homemade Healthy Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

Losing weight is a hard, not to mention long, process. A few people engage in diet regimens, go to gyms and some just starve themselves but to no avail. Shedding the extra pounds need just the right amount of exercise, balanced diet, determination and effort in order for it to work. But there are also times when you need to get rid of the damaging toxins, free radicals and substances in your body in order to burn fats effectively and boost your metabolism. This process is called detoxification or in other term, cleansing.

healthy detox drinks
Detoxification helps in removing the toxins brought by processed and inorganic foods from our body. With this, losing weight and burning fats can be done in a safe and natural way. However, before switching to detox diet, you need to be sure that you are healthy and your body can handle it. Otherwise, your efforts will be wasted. There are healthy detox drinks for weight loss that you can easily make in the comforts of your own home. What more can you ask for? They are cheap and 100% natural.

Here are seven healthy detox drinks you can try:

1. Tea

Tea is drunk by most people daily. It's a natural detoxifying agent that helps in eliminating toxins from the body. Not all forms of tea are effective for weight loss. Only few specified dandelion tea, peppermint tea, ginger tea and green tea are especially effective if you want to lose weight. Drink as much as three to five cups a day for best results.

2. Salt Water Cleanse

Before starting your detox process, try cleansing your digestive tract with the salt water cleanse in order to prepare your body for detoxification and weight loss. Infuse 1 quart of lukewarm water with 1 to 2 tablespoons of sea salt. Stir until it dissolves, drink and relax. Make sure you do this at home where you can go to the comfort room anytime as it can be quickly dispelled from the body.

Doing a salt water flush is another popular, if rather unpleasant, way to cleanse your system of built-up waste and toxins. Salt is a natural disinfectant which effectively flushes out the entire intestinal tract. In fact, this process is so effective that it is often used as a cost-effective alternative to expensive colonic irrigation procedures. The flush involves drinking a glass of salty water on an empty stomach, then waiting an hour or two as the solution flushes out your bowels, resulting in multiple eliminations.
  • To make the salt solution, dissolve two level teaspoons of unrefined, non-iodized sea salt into one quart of lukewarm, purified water. Drink the solution first thing in the morning, as quickly as possible, using a straw if it helps.
  • You should then lie on your right side for half an hour. This aids the passage of the salt water into the small intestine. At this point, you will feel the urge to eliminate, so make sure you are near a bathroom!
  • Be aware that intense diarrhea and sometimes vomiting are not uncommon after a salt water flush. These symptoms are normal and should subside within an hour or two.
  • The salt water flush is not recommended for people with digestive or kidney problems. If you have any concerns about doing it, you should consult your physician first.

3. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice can enhance and boost the body’s metabolism. This is vital so that the fats will be burned and converted into energy instead of stored in the body and makes you gain excess weight. This detox drink is very effective when trying to lose weight as well as cleaning the body from alcohol and nicotine in just four days. Drink the 100% natural cranberry juice daily in approximately 32 ounces for optimum results.

4. Lemonade Cleanse

 Also known as the "master cleanse", is one of the most popular and well-known cleanses, thanks to several celebrity advocates. The lemonade cleanse involves making a drink out of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper which you will consume exclusively for a period of between three and ten days. The lemonade cleanse is intended to help you flush toxins from your system, while also effectively aiding weight loss.
  • To make one glass of the lemonade, mix four tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and half a teaspoon of organic maple syrup into a ten ounce glass of water. Make four to five times this quantity to make enough to last you an entire day.
  • Be aware that most medical experts do not recommend this cleanse as it creates a serious calorie and nutrient deficit that can have a negative impact on health. It is also not scientifically proven to effectively flush out toxins.

5. Cucumber and Lemon

The effects of cucumber and lemon on weight loss were tested and proven by experts. Blend 1 cucumber sliced into pieces with half a lemon juice. Drink this concoction two times a day to boost your metabolism.

6. Cabbage Juice

Cabbage Juice is best used in cleansing the liver. Cleansing the liver means cleaning your body. This is essential for effective weight loss. To create the detox drink, blend cabbage with some pears and carrots.

7. Cabbage Broth

To have a different style in detox drinks, simmer cabbage with other vegetables such as onions and carrots. The more vegetables, the better. The broth will hold more nutrients and is very beneficial for the body.

  • Make sure to wash all of your fresh foods thoroughly before consuming any of them.
  • It is important to keep in mind that the cleanse you are doing is going to help your body and mind in the long run. By cleansing your body and freeing it of toxins, you are on your way to feeling younger and healthier, and having much more energy.