
10 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Losing belly fat is not something that can be achieved overnight by doing loads of abdominal exercises. To lose belly fat quickly, not only will you need to start exercising, you will need to maintain a healthy diet.

Check out these ten natural and simple ways that will help you to lose belly fat forever.

 1. Start your day with lemon juice
This is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Pinch some yellow juice into a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of that paunch. 

2. Stay off from white rice
Replace white rice with various wheat products. Include brown rice, brown bread, whole grains, oats and quinoa in your diet.

3. Avoid sugary substances
Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.

4. Drink plenty of water
If you're thirsty, you're going to eat more. Isn't that strange? But it's true. So before you sit down to eat, drink a glass of cool water, wait a few minutes, then dish out your sensible portion and begin to eat. Much better! You'll be surprised at how effective this way to lose stomach fat is. Give it a try!

5. Eat raw garlic
Chew two to three cloves of garlic every morning, and drink a glass of lemon water after that. This treatment will double up your weight loss process and make your blood circulation smooth in your body.

6. Avoid non-veg food
To eliminate belly fat, it is recommended that one should avoid non-vegetarian food as far as possible.

7. Load up on fruits and vegetables
Eat a bowl of fruits daily in the morning and evening. This will fill you up with many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

8. Spice up your cooking
Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in your cooking. These spices are loaded with health benefits. They help to improve your insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood.

THE BEST Detox Tea For Weight Loss Goals + Body Cleanse + Appetite Control

9. Cut out soda
A serving of soda contains more calories than a large banana, with none of the nutritional value. Many of those calories come from high fructose corn syrup, which our bodies don't really know how to process, and which often ends up turning into belly fat. Ditch the soda and save those calories for something much better for burning belly fat!

10. Eat 5 Small Meals a Day to Lose Stomach Fat Fast
Rather than eating three large meals every day, switch to five smaller meals: a light breakfast, a mid-morning snack, a light lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, and a balanced dinner. Smaller portions more often will keep you from feeling hungry. And by the way, when I say "snack," of course I mean something healthful, not a Twinkie! This way to lose stomach fat does not require a lot of sacrifice, all you need to do is figure out a schedule for your meals. With time, you'll be surprised at how eating 5 meals a day will become your new healthy lifestyle habit.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Several people seemed interested in the apple cider vinegar (ACV) drink I’ve been drinking so I figured I would do a post on it.
I first learned about the benefits of ACV through Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet and the Tone It Up nutrition plan. Both plans recommend adding ACV into your daily diet. Tosca recommends mixing 2 Tablespoons of raw, unfiltered ACV into a glass of water and the Tone It Up gals recommend a drink recipe called the Meta-D which has ACV, water and a few other ingredients.
I will warn you that ACV is pretty potent and it does take a little getting used to. Many people recommend adding a splash of fruit juice, honey or stevia to the ACV + water mixture to help make it more palatable.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Here are a few common questions around ACV…

What type of Apple Cider Vinegar should I use?
Only use raw organic ACV has the ‘mother’ of the vinegar. The ‘mother’ is made up of strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules with living nutrients and bacteria, similar to the ‘mother’ that’s in Kombucha. Clear vinegar is processed and doesn’t have any of the benefits that raw ACV has. There are different brands out there but I use Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, which I find at my local organic market or Whole Foods.
Be sure to dilute ACV before applying it to your skin or drinking. It is very acidic and can damage the tooth enamel and the tissues of your throat, mouth or skin.

What are the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?
  • Rich in potassium, a mineral that is often times lacking in adult diets. This mineral is key for growth, building muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc. It also helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.
  • Rich in acetic acid. This acid is said to slow the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
  • Rich in ash which gives ACV its alkaline property. This aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state. (It is particularly important if you drink a lot of coffee or wine.)
  • It can help regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Rich in malic acid which gives ACV its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • May help improve bowel irregularity and helps to remove toxins from the body at a faster rate.
  • It can help clear up skin conditions and blemishes.
  • ACV helps with weight loss by breaking down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them.
  • A few lab studies have found that ACV may be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.

Have you noticed any changes in your body since drinking Apple Cider Vinegar daily?
It’s hard for me to tell if the ACV drink is working wonders on my body and helping in ALL the ways I mentioned above, however I do know that my complexion has been really clear since I’ve started taking it and I crave the ACV drink every day now. In the morning I make my drink in a blender/shaker bottle and take it to work with me. I’ll have it in mid-morning or after lunch with my afternoon snack. It definitely helps to keep me feeling full and less hungry.

The 7 Effective Drinks That Burn Fat

Overweight is an obsession for many people all over the world, not only women, but men, too. Even for young girls, it is a big problem. Nutritionists are searching for solutions every day, everywhere. They give us a lot of tips and systems to keep our agility. And one of these tips is: The Most 7 Drinks To Burn Fats.
They made their tests and experiments to bring this fact: There are particular types of drinks can burn fats. Let’s take a look for these drinks…

1. Green Tea (good one of the most 7 drinks to burn fat)

cardio workouts that burn fat

It is very important, not only in burning fats but also in purifying body, freshness of face and protecting body from cancer.
It is amazing to know that drinking 3 – 5 cups of green tea daily for just one week, will give your body a signal to burn around 35 – 43% of its fats. It contains a big quantity of antioxidants, so it is on the top of diet and agility drinks.
Green Tea

2. Jillian Michael Drink
cardio workouts that burn fat

 Jillian Michael Drink is one of most effective drinks in losing weight field in USA and Europe. Over than million had tested it and proved that it is effective in eliminating body from excess of water. This will affect your weight in positive way.
Try it.

Preparation method:
  •  60 ounces of pure distilled water.
  • 1 tbsp of sugar.
  • 1 tbsp of Cranberries juice.
  •  1 pack of Dandelion root tea.
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice.

Mix previous components and drink the 60 ounces during 1 week in the way you like.

3. Cold Water
cardio workouts that burn fat

For persons who complain about paucity of some diet items or its cost, I brought this recipe: The Cold Water For Losing Weight.

Did you expect that water is one of the most 7 drinks to burn fats? I don’t think so.

It is logic idea about cold water. When you drink cold water, your body burns calories to reduce water’s temperature to equal body temperature.
It is brilliant and simple idea.
Cold Water

4. Vegetables Juice
cardio workouts that burn fat

It is a good trick in losing weight field to drink a big cup of vegetables juice before eating directly.
Pennsylvania University Studies proved that drinking vegetables juice before dinner reduces body calories by 135 calories.
What you should to do is choosing preferable mix of vegetables and put it in blender with favorite spices, and then drinking a big cup before dinner.

5. Skimmed Milk
cardio workouts that burn fat

It is common mistake that milk is against losing weight. Well, but studies proved that drinking skimmed milk is very important to lose weight. This because the calcium of milk.
Calcium promotes body ability to burn fats but beside moderate diet system or weight loss program.

6. Boiled Ginger, Green Tea, Cumin and Mint (the best of the most 7 drinks to burn fats)
cardio workouts that burn fat

It is one of Arabian Recipes. It had been tested since time immemorial. It burns fats and helps in losing paunch.
It is easy to mix 1 tsp of each of green tea, cumin, mint and ginger in a big cup of water. Stir it well and boil it for 10 minutes.
Try this drink before the 3 meals by half hour. Try it for 15 days and you will feel difference.

7. Pineapple And Kiwi Juice
cardio workouts that burn fat

For who doesn’t love strange taste of Arabian recipes or vegetables juice, you can try the refreshing taste of pineapple and kiwi juice.
Experiments proved that commitment with drinking this juice for 15 days is very good for losing weight. It helps you to lose around 10 kg, of course this is working well with diet system and regular exercises.
Mix 5 slices of pineapple and 2 pieces of kiwi in blender without sugar. Drink it instead of lunch.
Choose one or more of The Most 7 Drinks To Burn Fats to reach targeted weight in short time and healthy way.

9 Ways to Get 10000 Steps a Day

We have all heard the advice to park further away, walking the furthest restroom in the office, or to take the stairs whenever possible. And these small bits DO add up. But if you are looking some realistic ways to make a big difference, I've got you covered.  Here are someway of breaking up that lofty goal throughout the day into manageable chunks that will get you up and active for a healthier body.

10000 steps a day weight loss

Smart Ways to Get 10,000 Steps a Day

 1. Try This Trifecta. 

Consider breaking your step goal into three smaller goals throughout the day: a morning walk, a midday walk, and an evening walk. Make one a 3-mile power walking workout (in whichever slot you've the most time), and then squeeze in a 20-minute walk around 1 mile at lunch and after dinner.

 2. Every Hour on the Hour

If you were to break these steps during a normal work day (8-9 hours), that works out to just over 1,000 steps per hour. That means about a half mile walk (less than 10 minutes of time), spread out across the day. It won't be realistic for everyone to do this at work, but it may be realistic for some people to take a few 10-minute breaks during the workday then squeeze the remaining 10-minute walks in before or after work.  If you split up your steps throughout your regular waking (instead of just working) hours, that makes it even easier. Set a timer on your phone or computer and walk just 5 minutes every hour of the day until bedtime. DONE!
3. Power Hour

Challenge yourself every day to accumulate as many steps as possible during one hour of the day. This can be part of your daily workout (wear your tracker while you ride the exercise bike, use the treadmill or run). Continue working harder extra time so that you can cover more ground in the same amount of time!
4. 6 Legs in One

The easiest way for me to accumulate steps in a given day is to walk my dog. We have a daily routine of walking in the morning and the evening yes, on top of exercising or, some days, as my exercise for the day. Splitting up your walks into roughly two 2.5-mile sets is good for both of you. This is also a healthy routine that the whole family can enjoy together! No dog? Volunteer at your local shelter.
5. Wear an Activity Tracker

I'm a huge advocate for wearable fitness devices, that track your steps and overall activity every day. This small reminder will encourage you to get up more, take longer route, use the stairs and then some. As someone who was already exercising (even running!) regularly,  I was shocked to find out after wearing my own tracker that I didn't come anywhere near 10,000 steps per day not even on the days I worked out! Now I wear one each day. And it makes me would like to get on my feet in every little way that I can to hit that daily goal. It's an amazing motivator!

6. Buddy Up

Since I broke my foot last summer, I've been really limited in the types of exercise I can do while it continues to heal. Still unable to run, what I can do is walk. Walking alone became really boring for me after so many months, so I started calling friends to walk with me. I know this is the advice you hear all the time that exercising with a buddy is more amusing and will keep you accountable. And now that I've done it, it holds so true. My friends and I walk together as social time (beats sitting over coffee or wine for an hour or more) to chat and catch up. And when we're walking, we don't even notice the time or the distance we just go and go. I get more steps and accumulate more distance with friends than I ever would on my own.
7. Be Inefficient

We're all so busy that it makes sense to multitask, combining several errands in a single trip, ordering takeout from the computer we're already sitting ahead of, or carrying that armload of clothes + toys + shoes + toilet paper upstairs in a single trip. While technology has made more things easier on us, what if you deliberately tried to be inefficient any time it involved getting on your feet. On days that I know I've been less active, I choose to be inefficient as a way to get more activity in while getting my daily chores or work done. For example, I'll carry the laundry downstairs in three smaller trips instead of one oversized basket, or pick up and put away one item in the house at a time instead of filling my arms in an efficient way. Although it can be difficult to justify taking more time to do basic things when you're busy, I justify it to myself by concocting it as multitasking: I'm getting activity in concurrently as my chores.
 8. Be Efficient

On the flipside, are there ways you coulded more steps in? By this I mean looking at the commonly sedentary tasks you do every day (making phone calls, sitting near your kids while they play, watching TV, reading, etc.) and deciding if there's a way you can add walking (or other movement) to that activity. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a treadmill desk at work, but I also try to get up and walk around as often as possible when I'm talking on the phone, for example. And here at SparkPeople, when we have small one-on-one discussions with co-workers or brainstorming meetings, we'll often head outside and walk while we talk if there's no need to be in a formal conference room. Perhaps you, too, can watch TV while you exercise, read (or listen to) that book on the stationary bike, or get started with your kids when they're playing.
9. Step It Up Inside

Indoor walking workout DVDs are extremely popular and allow you to get moving no matter what the weather. Some titles are specific walking distances like 3 to 5 miles. We love Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds series also as newcomer (and SparkPeople contributor) Jessica Smith's motivating walking DVDs.

As you can see, there are countless ways to reach a daily step goal. Find the tricks that work for you and keep you motivated to move and you'll hit that daily number in no time!

3 Day Military Diet Plan

I have just started the 3 day military diet (Just a disclaimer, i don't diet ever. You are perfect the way you are. But i just feel like i could be heather.) I'm not doing this for the number on the scale! I am doing this for my heath and well being not for a number. So anyway, i thought i would take you guys around with me and let you know how I'm feeling. I will post everyday for the 3 days and let you guys know what's up. Okay so

Day 1

So here's day 1 breakfast
Which is Day 1:

Breakfast: 1/2 cup of grapefruit, 1 slice of toast, 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds, and a cup of earl gray tea. (Breakfast filled me up and i wasn't hungry till lunch)

Day 1 Lunch

3 day military diet plan,

lunch: 1/2 cup of tuna, 1 slice of toast, and a cup of earl gray tea. (Lunch also filled me up)

Day 1 Dinner

3 day military diet plan,

Dinner: 3 ounces of meat ( any kind) , 1 cup of green beans, 1/2 of banana, 1 small apple, and 1 cup of vanilla ice cream. (Dinner filled me up as well, but i did not have any meat in my house so i had to use some more tuna. I had dinner around 7:00 and i had the ice cream and banana around 9:00 because i was full from dinner) 

I had the ice cream about an hour before i went to bed.

3 day military diet plan,

Okay so that was Day 1 of the 3 day military diet i will see you guys tomorrow:)

Hey guys!:) Okay so day 2 in the 3 day military diet let's just hop right into it. 

Day 2 brakefast
3 day military diet plan,
Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 slice of toast, and 1/2 banana.
After breakfast i wasn't hungery till lunch which is good;)

Day 2 lunch
Lunch: 1 ounce of cheddar cheese, hard boiled egg, and 5 saltine crackers. I was a little hungry before dinner but i was okay.

Day 3 dinner

3 day military diet plan,

Dinner: 3 ounces of meat, 1 cup of broccoli, 1/2 cup carrots, 1/2 banana and 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream.

3 day military diet plan,
3 day military diet plan,

And i was full after dinner also. But i will post the day 3 very soon:) Hope you guys like it:) See you soon.

Okay it's the last day so lets get right into it:)

Day 3 breakfast

3 day military diet plan,
3 day military diet plan,

Breakfast: 5 saltine crackers, 1 slice of cheddar cheese and a small apple
I was slightly hungry before lunch but i waited till lunch.

Day 3 lunch

3 day military diet plan,
Lunch: hard boiled egg, and a slice of toast

I was fine till dinner:)

Day 3 dinner

Dinner: 1 cup of tuna, 1/2 of a banana and i cup of vanilla ice cream. Sorry guys:( I did not get a picture of dinner I was out and did not have my camera.

And that's it!:) And it wasn't that bad. I already eat portions like this so it didn't really shock my body as much but i did lose 9 pounds so it's better then nothing lol. But i do recommend trying this it dose work:) You might not lose 10 pounds but don't let that stop you from going where you want to go with your health. Remember it's not about the number it's about how you feel:) Thanks for reading :)

10 Home Remedies for Reducing Belly Fat Fast

This effective natural home remedies for reducing belly fat fast without a lot strain. This home remedies is natural, cost affordable, easily available, most effective ones to treat your belly fat problem.

home remedies for reducing belly fat fast

1. Lemon Water:

Stressed liver won't metabolism the fat efficiently and that gets deposited around your abdomen. So to detoxify the liver, you can use lemon water. Lemon water increases the enzymes that help to detoxify the liver and to accomplish the basic functions very effectively. Here lemon juice mixed warm water is good for fat burning purpose. Clicking here

2. Ginger Tea:

Ginger aids for a natural digestion and it is a thermo genic agent which increases the blood heat that aids to burn the fat more easy and perfectly in a short span of time. Basically over eating, age – related hormone reduction, stress, lack of regular exercises, etc. are considered as one of the reason for the belly fat. Ginger solves each of these issues properly. It also suppresses the production of cortisol (a steroid hormone that is essential for the energy regulation and also mobilization. It’s always better to have this ginger tea daily to lose the tummy fat.

3. Garlic:

Garlic has an excellent anti-obesity property that helps to get rid of the belly fat. It reduces the systolic and diastolic blood pressure and triglycerides apart from increasing the good cholesterol so it also good for cardiovascular system. Adipocytes (lipocytes and fat cells) are cells that primarily compose adipose tissues (body fat) in the body. 

In this adipose tissue, the undergoing process is where pre-adipocytes are converted into full fledged adipose tissue or fat. This overall process is called adipogenesis and studies shows that garlic is one such wonderful remedy that inhibits this adipogenisis process of making fat. Simply garlic avoids the conversion of pre fat cells into fat cells, so add this garlic into your daily diet to cut the belly fat. Clicking here

4. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is a thermogenic which tends to produce the heat through metabolic stimulation. It not only reduces the belly fat but also reduces the overall body fat. Include a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in your regular diet to increase the metabolism and to lose fat quickly. Remember that always take ground cinnamon but not the cinnamon bark oil why because this bark oil can cause ulcers, mouth burning and mouth sores when taken. Have a look on these ways to know how to include cinnamon in your diet. Clicking here

5. Green Tea: 

According to American Journal of Clinical Nutritional States, drinking 4 cups of green tea everyday will help to lose more than 6 pounds of weight and fat within 8 weeks. This was approved by many dieticians or nutritionist. This tea has a type of a catechin known as epigallocatechin – 3 – gallate or EGCG. It is a natural phenol and has anti-oxidants with many therapeutic applications. Whenever you sip a green tea, EGCG will help to boost up your metabolism.

6. Watermelon:

Watermelon is a juicy fruit that contains 91% of water in it and it also acts as a natural diuretic that helps you to have a fullness feel for a longer time and finally aids in the reduction of water in the body to lose the tummy fat. It has rich amount of vitamins B1, B6 and C and potassium and magnesium which makes it as a very little calorie and cholesterol free food that effectively works in cutting down the belly fat.

Regular consumption of two glasses of this watermelon juice everyday for at least 8 weeks will reduce the body weight, particularly the belly fat without altering the muscle mass. American Dietetic Association has declared that watermelon as a perfect and effective food to reduce the belly fat and also to lower the risks that are associated with the coronary artery plaque accumulation and heart diseases.
7. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes has a compound named 9 – oxo – ODA that helps to reduce the lipids in blood and this in turn helps to control the belly fat and also helps to fight against the chronic diseases that are associated with the obesity. A tomato (large one) has 33 calories that won’t add any fat to the belly. 

Tomatoes contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that offers a plenty of health benefits such as reducing wrinkles, fighting cancer and reduces the cholesterol levels. It is also an excellent source of nutrients like iron and potassium and also rich in vitamins A and C. So to get all these health benefits, include tomatoes in your daily diet (either in raw or cooked form) to cut down the abdominal fat.

THE BEST Detox Tea For Weight Loss Goals + Body Cleanse + Appetite Control

8. Avocados:

Lecithin, an amino acid that present in avocado helps to manage and maintain the proper body weight. Avocadoes has rich source of good fats that named as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that helps to burn the belly fat more easily. 

It is rich in fiber content that helps to keep the hunger at bay and prevents you from overeating that in turn helps to reduce the belly fat and weight. It also has many health and beauty benefit properties like anti-aging, anti-fungal and antibacterial that gives the utmost benefits to you.
9. Cucumber:

Cucumber is a considered as an extremely refreshing and low calorie food. Cucumber when taken 100 grams contains approximately 96% of water and 4% of calories in it. It is packed with minerals, dietary fibers and other vitamins which are very effective in losing the belly fat and makes you look fit and perfect. 

So regularly eat a plate of cucumber as a salad is termed as the healthy way to cleanse your body from harmful toxins that are released by the digestive system. This finally aids not only to lose belly fat or weight but also gives you radiant and glowing skin with its rich content of vitamin B and C when taken daily. Clicking here

10. Apples:

An apple a day keeps the belly fat away is turned as a new saying. Apples contain a natural compound called pectin that effectively aids in weight loss and belly fat loss. Generally the fruits that are rich in pectin require more chewing and then this pectin dissolves in stomach then it forms gel – like substance that efficiently traps the dietary cholesterol and fat content in the body. 

Coming to other benefits of pectin, it reduces the colon cancer risk. It has vitamin C and antioxidants that helps to keep your skin wrinkle free. Apples are rich in dietary fiber, phytosterol, flavonoids and beta – carotene that makes your belly to feel full and that avoids overeating. As per Brazilian study, women who ate 3 – 4 apples a day will definitely lost more weight when compared to others who didn’t eat it.


Even if you follow all these natural home remedies, proper diet plain and other lifestyle habits to lose belly fat will be a waste of effort if don’t do exercises. So the fast you understand this, the early and effectively you lose weight and reduces the abdominal fat. But be sure to do the exercise daily without any break in that exercise.
Clicking here 

The Paleo Recipe Book


  • Drink water as much as you can throughout the day. This helps to lead more active metabolism, flushes out the toxins or wastes from the body and finally improves the overall health. You have to drink at least 8 oz glass of water or 64 ounces of water per day to get the beneficial results.
  • Quit alcohol consumption. Alcohol has full of calories and when you drink it, you don’t feel full. Particularly binge drinking helps to deposits fat in and around your waistline. So stop drinking alcohol, if that was not possible by you, then at least avoid binge drinking and reduce the quantity and frequency of alcohol intake.
  • Place an aim to complete 10,000 steps a day which definitely helps to reduce your belly and body fat and also help to keep you healthy and activity by increasing the metabolism. Simply take steps instead of elevators, walk instead of driving, or else you treadmill desk to cut the belly fat.
  • Reduce your sugary drinks and all other carbonated beverages to clear the belly fat.
  • Drink water before and after each meal so that it fills you up so that you'll won’t get the feeling of hungry and also it cleanse the system for better digestion.
  • Always eat a heavy breakfast, a moderate lunch and a light dinner to get healthy body and fat free belly.
With these natural home remedies for reducing belly fat fast and tips , you can effectively fight against the belly or abdominal fat and enjoy your reduces waistline, but remember that these remedies, foods and tips will play a major role in attaining good figure with slimmer waistline when it's coupled with regular exercises. Clicking here

Five ways to get 10,000 steps

Ever since I got my fitbit I've become obsessed with walking. It's challenging and fun to try and get 10,000 steps on the pedometer everyday and once you've hit that goal a few times you'll be challenging yourself to do even more steps a day.
I'm at the point where some weeks my daily average is around 14,000 steps. A lot of my friends ask me what I'm doing and it's not just about doing your daily routine but making small lifestyle adjustments can help you get to your stepping goal faster.

ways to get 10,000 steps

Break your step goal 

First thing first 10,000 steps can seem really daunting if you're only stepping an average of 2-3,000 steps a day. Try breaking your goal into three smaller goals. You can do your longest walk in the morning (a 6k walk) and 3k walks after lunch and dinner. Breaking your goal down will help you feel less overwhelmed with the 10k number. 


Take walking breaks 


I imagine most of us are spending our days chained to a desk in front of a computer. Besides getting up for bathroom breaks and lunch you might be surprised how little you move. Make a note to take a few 10 min breaks throughout the day to walk around the block. 


Park your car further 


Instead of spending that extra five minutes looking for the closest parking spot. Park further away and walk to your destination. 


Take the stairs 


Just like parking take the stairs instead of the elevator. 


Enjoy the outdoors 


Is it a beautiful day? Go take a walk at the park or a short little hike. Try something new like rollerblading or downloading a new podcast for your walk.  

These are some of my favorite ways to get some extra steps in throughout the day. What are your favorite tips to get stepping?

4 Things You Should Know About How do You Lose Weight in Your Face and Neck

If you feel that your face is carrying more weight than you'd like, it's possible to change its appearance. In some cases, your  facial weight perchance a result of genetics, in which case, you may need to learn to love the genetic roll of the dice. If you're  overweight, this will impact your facial fat distribution also as your body and dieting healthily is the best course.  Unfortunately, it isn't possible to target the face alone for fat loss but there are plenty of things you can do to minimize or  lessen facial fat.

how do you lose weight in your face

Assessing the Need to Lose Facial Weight

1. Look in the mirror. If you've a normal size body but feel that your face isn't slim, consider whether you might have a  distorted notion of your proportions.

  • Take closely related family members. Do they've the same facial proportions as you? You may have a genetic  predisposition to a certain layout of weight around your face. Also, some forms of facial chubbiness possibly related your  youth and "puppy fat" tends to pass with aging.
  • Ask people you can trust to be honest to you. Do they think your face is chubby or do they think it's appropriately  proportioned?
  • Is your face "puffy", as unlike being fat? Puffiness can be caused by poor nutrition, salty foods, lack of sleep, alcohol or  drug intake, lack of exercise, etc.
  • Talk to your doctor. He or she will be able to reassure you as to what facial fat proportions are appropriate. Also, your doctor  can discard possible problems specified edema (swelling).

2. Check your posture. Slumping posture can cause an appearance of a fatter face by forcing a double chin look. Any fat you  do have will simply shift to the most comfortable placement and if your posture pushes your neck and chin downward, this  may fatten your face.
  • Stand and stay up straighter, so as to align your spine properly. Ask for help from a physiotherapist or doctor if you're not sure  how you should be standing or sitting to ensure good posture.
  • Breathe deeply. It is harder to slump when you breathe more deeply, as you need to straighten up to fill with air.
  • Remind yourself to hold your shoulders back, tilt your head and chin up more and look people in the eyes.
  • Posture improving exercises exist; ask your physiotherapist for more details or check online sources. Pilates, yoga and  similar exercises will help too.

General Nutrition and Diet
Good overall nutrition for your body impacts your face as well.

1. Eat healthily. Restrict the amount of calories you consume to those needed for a person of your height, gender and age.  Calorie tables are available from government authorities responsible nutrition information in your country. Or, ask your  doctor for advice appropriate to you.

2. Lose weight if you're overweight. When you lose body fat, you'll also lose fat around your face. Be aware that it isn't  possible to target one zone of the body for weight loss when slimming down, the whole body, including the face, will be  impacted. By following a nutritionally balanced diet to lose weight, along with regular exercise, you should find any unwanted  facial fat reduces also.
  • It is important to discuss dieting with your doctor, to ensure that you follow a well-balanced diet and avoid fad dieting that  can harm your body.
  • Cardiovascular exercises and strength training are best for weight loss and toning.
  • Eat plenty of fiber and leafy green vegetables. Avoid foods high in sugar and fat.
  • Try to avoid alcohol or minimize its consumption drastically. Alcohol contains non-nutritious calories and dehydrates your  body too. Dehydration can cause your face to appear bloated.

3. Keep well hydrated. Having sufficient water intake will help you to flush out excess sodium that may be creating puffiness in  your face.[1] Adequate water will also help to flush out toxins in the body that mayhap contributing to an unhealthy pallor.
Facial Exercises
There are over 50 muscles in the face, which some experts believe can all benefit from facial exercises.
  •  Try facial yoga. Yoga poses that force your head downwards are considered to give the facial muscles a good workout,  along with deep breathing exercises. As a bonus, this helps to keep you looking younger.

how do you lose weight in your face
Using Makeup to Minimize larger Areas of the Face
Makeup is used to disguise all manner of things on the face. It can also be wont to reduce the sense of breadth.

1. Use blush that is than the hue of your skin. Draw it from the exterior of the face to the inner. It gives an impression of more sculptured cheeks and looks good.

2. Use contouring to thin the face. Contouring can make a less defined face seem thinner, by accentuating the cheekbones  and using shading to damp and highlight different parts of the face.
  • Contouring can make already-slim faces seem hollow and tired. Be careful how much contouring is used.Ask for a contouring lesson with a local makeup artist. This person will be able to best advise you on what to play up and  what to tone down with respect to your own face. It takes time to learn to contour well, so keep practicing.

3. Arch your eyebrows. Arched eyebrows that have a bit thickness (but not overmuch) can lose weight a face. These can be  made to stand out by using a shade slightly darker than your natural eyebrow color.

4. Use concealer to cover under-eye circles. These circles can add the appearance of weight to your face.

5. Use lighter lip color. Darker lipstick colors can give an impression of heaviness. By using lighter lipsticks, you can make lips  appear slimmer.

  • your face looks. Your face is the window to the world, so come through look as beautiful as possible by following a daily skincare and  cleansing routine that suits your skin type and lifestyle. It doesn't have to be complex or expensive and your gender doesn't  matter just find a skin cleansing and moisturizing routine that works for you and stick to it.
  • Avoid candy and swap it out for some carrots with a fat free dressing.
  • Faces are prone to accumulating fat; as such, it may actually be a useful indicator for you to consider advancing a diet to tone  up your whole body.
  • Your natural body shape will have an impact on how large, wide or fatty your face appears.
  • Face sculpting creams do exist but do your research before spending large sums of money.
  • Saying the letters 'M' and 'N' with maximum movement of your jaws, is yet another way that helps you to accomplish the task.
  • A fuller face helps to keep most people looking younger. For many people, embracing the facial fat is the way to stay looking  young for longer! After your 40s, you'll start to lose facial fat naturally and lower BMIs mean that wrinkles stick out more on duty  the face.
  • Your whole body weight effects your face's weight so try losing body weight.
  • Make sure you're constantly hydrated. Dehydration causes an increase of sodium in the blood which may result in a puffy  face.

  • Losing a bit much weight from your face can result in you appearing much older, with shallow and sunken parts of your  face. Anywhere between 15 to 25 percent body fat is essential for keeping the face youthful in appearance.
  • Chewing for a long time can result in aching jaws.
  • There's no such thing as "spot reduction" weight loss; there's no one way to target an area of the body and reduce  only there. You'll need to be prepared to lose weight generally ready to lose some facial weight.
  • Facial surgery is as serious as any other form of surgery and shouldn't be considered lightly. There are many blood vessels  aggressive that can make such surgery tricky. Even when haded best, facial surgery will leave scarring.