
Five ways to get 10,000 steps

Ever since I got my fitbit I've become obsessed with walking. It's challenging and fun to try and get 10,000 steps on the pedometer everyday and once you've hit that goal a few times you'll be challenging yourself to do even more steps a day.
I'm at the point where some weeks my daily average is around 14,000 steps. A lot of my friends ask me what I'm doing and it's not just about doing your daily routine but making small lifestyle adjustments can help you get to your stepping goal faster.

ways to get 10,000 steps

Break your step goal 

First thing first 10,000 steps can seem really daunting if you're only stepping an average of 2-3,000 steps a day. Try breaking your goal into three smaller goals. You can do your longest walk in the morning (a 6k walk) and 3k walks after lunch and dinner. Breaking your goal down will help you feel less overwhelmed with the 10k number. 


Take walking breaks 


I imagine most of us are spending our days chained to a desk in front of a computer. Besides getting up for bathroom breaks and lunch you might be surprised how little you move. Make a note to take a few 10 min breaks throughout the day to walk around the block. 


Park your car further 


Instead of spending that extra five minutes looking for the closest parking spot. Park further away and walk to your destination. 


Take the stairs 


Just like parking take the stairs instead of the elevator. 


Enjoy the outdoors 


Is it a beautiful day? Go take a walk at the park or a short little hike. Try something new like rollerblading or downloading a new podcast for your walk.  

These are some of my favorite ways to get some extra steps in throughout the day. What are your favorite tips to get stepping?