If you view food as the enemy, here are 36 items that might make you change your mind and have them work for you instead of against you. While they may be pretty super, you shouldn’t put all of your attention on any one of them. Start by introducing a few more foods that burn fat into your diet each week until you find that you’re eating much more of them than you used to.
This is the best superfoods for weight loss list to have on hand:
- Tomatoes
- Oranges
- Oats
- Spices
- Sweet Potatoes
- Apples
- Nuts
- Quinoa
- Beans
- Egg Whites
- Grapefruit
- Chicken Breast
- Bananas
- Pears
- Pine Nuts
- Mushrooms
- Lentils
- Hot Peppers
- Broccoli
- Organic Lean Meats
- Cantaloupe
- Spinach
- Green Tea
- Cinnamon
- Asparagus
- Avocado
- Peanut Butter
- Salmon
- Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
- Greek Yogurt
- Olive Oil
- Blueberries
- Turkey Breast
- Flax Seeds
- Keep It Fresh!
Soup It Up!
Turning appropriate super foods into a soup is a great way to reap their benefits and make them more edible. Soup is a great weight loss tool, as it helps with digestion, and you can combine many foods together at the same time for some real vitamin-packed weight loss meals.
You can use soup as a starter for a larger meal, or you can make a meal out of it when it’s too late in the day to have a big meal resting on your stomach. It’s easier to digest since most ingredients are bite-sized or smaller and have been cooked until mushy.
The foods that you suspected all along are healthy and good for you and make a stark comparison to all of the heavily processed, prepackaged foods that are sold by supermarkets, fast food joints, and restaurant chains across the country. Fill your cart with these the next time you go shopping and start infusing your body with foods that will make it slim and trim!