You should often motivate yourself, but if it's impossible for you, try these home remedy which consists simple constituents that will help you to get rid of the need for a cigarette.
- Half a grapefruit
- Half an orange
- 1 cup of chamomile tea
- 1 oz jojoba oil
- 1 oz olive oil
- 1 oz coconut oil
- Half teaspoon oregano
Squeeze the grapefruit, the orange and add together the remaining ingredients.
Stir until you get a homogenous mixture, then place it in a practical bottle that you can carry anyplace with you.
If you feel the need for a cigarette, utilise just a little part of the mixture under the nose or you can put a little part of it on in dispute and inhale deep.
- Take a new hobby up so that you are distracted and not as tempted to smoke.
- Try a simple auto-suggestion: "I do not smoke. I cannot smoke. I will not smoke", and while you are saying it, think of something else to do.
- Reduce your caffeine intake. When you cease smoking your body processes caffeine twice as efficiently, resulting in sleepless nights unless your intake is reduced.
- Avoid being around people that smoke or situations that remind you of smoking.
- If you do fail, never be disheartened, use this attempt as a practice so you're better prepared for the next try.
- If you are considering using a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) product like nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or nicotine sprays or inhalers, be warned that they are also addictive.